Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"AKCJI" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
action film
['ækʃən fɪlm]
parcel of shares
action movie
['ækʃən 'mu:vɪ]
share price
[ʃɛə(r) praɪs]
cardiac arrest
['kɑ:dɪæk ər'ɛst]
action movies
adventure/action film
[æd'vɛnʧə(r) 'ækʃən fɪlm]
share options
[ʃɛə(r) 'ɔpʃənz]
stock options
[stɔk 'ɔpʃənz]
stock portfolio
adventure film
[æd'vɛnʧə(r) fɪlm]
action story
clear the decks
[klɪə(r) ðə dɛks]
action packed
['ækʃən pækt]
stock levels
raring to go
[raring tu gəu]
cruel twist
['kru:əl twɪst]
new twist
[nju: twɪst]
unexpected twist
[nɪk'spɛktɪd twɪst]
over-subscribe issue
['əuvə(r) sɪb'skraɪb 'ɪʃu:]
to make a one-for-ten rights issue
[tu meɪk ə wʌn fɔ:(r) tɛn raɪts 'ɪʃu:]
to issue shares at a discount
[tu 'ɪʃu: ʃɛəz æt ə dɪs'kaunt]
share premium UK , paid-in surplus US
[ʃɛə(r) 'pri:mɪəm UK peɪd ɪn 'sə:pləs ʌs]
share/stock price
action scenes
['ækʃən si:nz]
an action film
[ən 'ækʃən fɪlm]
share option scheme
twist in a plot
[twɪst ɪn ə plɔt]
bohater dynamiczny
to make takeover bid
make a takeover bid
stock offering
poison pill
action - packed
['ækʃən pækt]
right issue
[raɪt 'ɪʃu:]
share issue oversubscribed
[ʃɛə(r) 'ɪʃu: əuvərsɪb'skraɪbd]
stock value
[stɔk 'vælju:]
stocks value
[stɔks 'vælju:]
Jimmy likes watching action films and Jane likes watching romantic films, but neither of them like watching horror films
['ʤɪmɪ laɪks 'wɔʧɪŋ 'ækʃən fɪlmz ænd ʤeɪn laɪks 'wɔʧɪŋ rə'mæntɪk fɪlmz bʌt 'naɪðə(r) &#]
preference shareholder
['prɛfərəns 'ʃɛrhəuldə(r)]
block of shares
[blɔk ɔv ʃɛəz]
shares issuing
[ʃɛəz 'ɪʃuɪŋ]
withdrawal of shares
[wɪ'ðdrɔ:əl ɔv ʃɛəz]
money raised
['mʌnɪ reɪzd]
Do you prefer quiet holidays or action-packed ones?
[du: ju: prə'fə: 'kwaɪət 'hɔlədeɪz ɔ:(r) 'ækʃən pækt wʌnz]
plot continuity
[plɔt kɑntə'nu:ɪtɪ]
a cardiac arrest
[ə 'kɑ:dɪæk ər'ɛst]
action-packed film
['ækʃən pækt fɪlm]
have an unexpected twist
[hæv ən nɪk'spɛktɪd twɪst]
issue share
['ɪʃu: ʃɛə(r)]
equities share
['ɛkwɪtɪz ʃɛə(r)]
By selling your shares you could earn lots of cash.
[baɪ 'sɛlɪŋ jɔ:(r) ʃɛəz ju: kud ə:n lɔts ɔv kæʃ]
share holder
[ʃɛə(r) 'həuldə(r)]
buy back
[baɪ bæk]
film/movie action
[fɪlm 'mu:vɪ 'ækʃən]
developing promotions
[dɪ'vɛləpɪŋ prə'məuʃənz]
have to step in
[hæv tu stɛp ɪn]
action figure
['ækʃən 'fɪgə(r)]
I like action movies but I also like rom-coms.
[aɪ laɪk 'ækʃən 'mju:vɪz bʌt aɪ 'ɔ:lsəu laɪk rɔm kɔmz]
a piece/a slice of the action
[ə pi:s ə slaɪs ɔv ðə 'ækʃən]
action movie - a movie with lots of action and violence
['ækʃən 'mu:vɪ ə 'mu:vɪ wɪð lɔts ɔv 'ækʃən ænd 'vaɪələns]

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