Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"Zrobiłem" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
i had done sth and later i have done sth
I did my best
I only did it this one time- really
I made fourteen mistakes in my dictation
I have done
[aɪ hæv dʌn]
I did my best to win the match
[aɪ dɪd maɪ bɛst tu wɪn ðə mæʧ]
I did it on my own accord.
[aɪ dɪd ɪt ɔn maɪ əun ə'kɔ:d]
I did well
[aɪ dɪd wɛl]
I did badly
[aɪ dɪd 'bædlɪ]
to have done my part
[tu hæv dʌn maɪ pɑ:t]
I did it without thinking
[aɪ dɪd ɪt wɪ'θaut 'θɪŋkɪŋ]
I did it with my mind over matter.
[aɪ dɪd ɪt wɪð maɪ maɪnd 'əuvə(r) 'mætə(r)]
I have done enough.
[aɪ hæv dʌn ɪ'nʌf]
I did a degree in Spanish
[aɪ dɪd ə dɪ'gri: ɪn 'spænɪʃ]
I took hundreds of photos
[aɪ tuk 'hʌndrədz ɔv 'fəutəuz]
I have done a lot of crazy things
[aɪ hæv dʌn ə lɔt ɔv 'kreɪzɪ θɪŋz]
I took some notes from the meeting.
[aɪ tuk sʌm nəuts frɔm ðə 'mi:tɪŋ]
I did it in three hours
[aɪ dɪd ɪt ɪn θri: 'auərz]
I did it thoroughly
[aɪ dɪd ɪt 'θʌrəlɪ]
I have done it.
[aɪv dʌn ɪt]
I did do
[aɪ dɪd du:]
I made this cake.
[aɪ meɪd ðɪs keɪk]
i did what, i was told to do
[aɪ dɪd wɔt aɪ wɔz təuld tu du:]
I have done it.
[aɪ hæv dʌn ɪt]
I had a blood test and it turns out I don't have enough calcium in my body.
[aɪ hæd ə blʌd tɛst ænd ɪt tə:nz aut aɪ dəunt hæv ɪ'nʌf 'kælsɪəm ɪn maɪ 'bɔdɪ]
I've done all I can now, the rest is down to you.
[aɪv dʌn ɔ:l aɪ kæn nau ðə rɛst ɪz daun tu ju:]
I've grown tired of this
[aɪv grəun 'taɪəd ɔv ðɪs]

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