Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"unles" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
unless she had a very good reason
unless = if...not
Unless you hurry, we will be late
[ʌn'lɛs ju: 'hʌrɪ wi: wɪl bi: leɪt]
unless the parties have agreed otherwise, the Polish version of the agreement shall be the basis for interpretation
[ʌn'lɛs ðə 'pɑ:tɪz hæv əg'ri:d 'ʌðərwaɪz ðə 'pɔlɪʃ 'və:ʒən ɔv ðə əg'ri:mənt ʃæl bi: &#]
unless otherwise stated
[ʌn'lɛs 'ʌðərwaɪz 'steɪtəd]
unless you fancy having stab
[ʌn'lɛs ju: 'fænsɪ 'hævɪŋ stæb]
Unless you want too
[ʌn'lɛs ju: wɔnt tu:]
unless combined with
[ʌn'lɛs kəm'baɪnd wɪð]
Unless you hurry, we will be late.
[ʌn'lɛs ju: 'hʌrɪ wi: wɪl bi: leɪt]
unless in doubt
[ʌn'lɛs ɪn daut]
Unless it was some sort of ritual.
[ʌn'lɛs ɪt wɔz sʌm sɔ:t ɔv 'rɪʧuəl]
Unless you are careful you will lose the job.
[ʌn'lɛs ju: ɑ:(r) 'kɛəful ju: wɪl lu:z ðə ʤɔb]
Unless you apologise, I'll never talk to you again.
[ʌn'lɛs ju: apologise aɪl 'nɛvə(r) tɔ:k tu ju: ə'gɛn]
unless you think you'd rather try...
[ʌn'lɛs ju: θɪŋk you’d 'ræðə(r) traɪ]
unless we find him first
[ʌn'lɛs wi: faɪnd hɪm fə:st]
Unless, of course, it couldn't be avoided
[ʌn'lɛs ɔv kɔ:s ɪt couldn’t bi: ə'vɔɪdəd]
unless you have something he needs
[ʌn'lɛs ju: hæv 'sʌmθɪŋ hi: ni:dz]
unless miracle happens, all of us gonna be wiped out
[ʌn'lɛs 'mɪrəkl 'hæpənz ɔ:l ɔv ʌs 'gɔnə bi: waɪpt aut]
Unless you wanna draw me a picture
[ʌn'lɛs ju: 'wɔnə drɔ: mi: ə 'pɪkʧə(r)]
unless you have been given permission
[ʌn'lɛs ju: hæv bɪ:n 'gɪvən pər'mɪʃən]
Unless the supervisor knows how to help you, you will have to manage on your own
[ʌn'lɛs ðə 'sju:pərvaɪzə(r) nəuz hau tu hɛlp ju: ju: wɪl hæv tu 'mænəʤ ɔn jɔ:(r) əun]

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