Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
- [maɪnz] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
musher - a person who competes in cross-country races ['mʌʃə(r) ə 'pə:sɪn hu: kəm'pi:ts ɪn krɔs 'kʌntrɪ 'reɪsɪz] |
paw the ground [pɔ: ðə graund] |
on the trail [ɔn ðə treɪl] |
DO athletics/aerobics/judo [du: æθ'lɛtɪks ɛə'rəubɪks 'ʤu:dəu] |
GO running/skiing [gəu 'rʌnɪŋ 'ski:ɪŋ] |
hyphen ['haɪfn] |
Animals are much happier living in their natural habitat. ['ænəməlz ɑ:(r) mʌʧ 'hæpɪə(r) 'lɪvɪŋ ɪn ðɛə(r) 'næʧərəl 'hæbətæt] |
In spite of the problems they [ɪn spaɪt ɔv ðə 'prɔbləmz ðeɪ] |
mathematics, mathematician, mathematical [mæθə'mætɪks mæθəmə'tɪʃən mæθə'mætɪkl] |
languages, linguist, linguistic ['læŋgwəʤəz 'lɪŋgwɪst lɪ'ŋgwɪstɪk] |
law, lawyer, legal [lɔ: 'lɔ:jə(r) 'li:gl] |
architecture, architect, architectural ['ɑ:kɪtɛkʧə(r) 'ɑ:kɪtɛkt ɑrkə'tɛkʧərəl] |
economics, economist, economic [ɛkə'nɔmɪks ɪ'kɔnəmɪst ɛkə'nɔmɪk] |
geography, geographer, geographical [ʤɪ'ɔgrəfɪ ʤɪ'ɔgrəfə(r) ʤɪə'græfɪkl] |
journalism, journalist, journalistic ['ʤə:nəlɪzəm 'ʤə:nəlɪst ʤənə'lɪstɪk] |
science, scientist, scientific ['saɪəns 'saɪəntɪst saɪən'tɪfɪk] |
minus, negative ['maɪnəs 'nɛgətɪv] |