Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
bus station [bʌs 'steɪʃən] |
railway station ['reɪlweɪ 'steɪʃən] |
train station [treɪn 'steɪʃən] |
station ['steɪʃən] |
coach station [kəuʧ 'steɪʃən] |
bus station [bʌs 'steɪʃən] |
coach station [kəuʧ 'steɪʃən] |
a bus station [ə bʌs 'steɪʃən] |
a railway station [ə 'reɪlweɪ 'steɪʃən] |
coach-station | |
bus terminal | |
depot ['di:pə] |
central station ['sɛntrəl 'steɪʃən] |
coach [kəuʧ] |
The train station is on the left. [ðə treɪn 'steɪʃən ɪz ɔn ðə lɛft] |
train station [treɪn 'steɪʃən] |
bus stop [bʌs stɔp] |
coach [kəuʧ] |
bus train [bʌs treɪn] |
railway station ['reɪlweɪ 'steɪʃən] |
railway/train station ['reɪlweɪ treɪn 'steɪʃən] |