Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
the ironing [ðə 'aɪərnɪŋ] |
do the ironing [du: ðə 'aɪərnɪŋ] |
iron a skirt ['aɪən ə skə:t] |
iron ['aɪən] |
ironing ['aɪərnɪŋ] |
iron ['aɪən] |
iron clothes ['aɪən kləuðz] |
to iron | |
trouser press | |
ironing facilities | |
iron the shirts ['aɪən ðə ʃə:ts] |
iron the clothes ['aɪən ðə kləuðz] |
iron ['aɪən] |
do the ironing / do the shopping [du: ðə 'aɪərnɪŋ du: ðə 'ʃɔpɪŋ] |
ironing clothes ['aɪərnɪŋ kləuðz] |
compression moulding [kəm'prɛʃən 'məuldɪŋ] |
pressing ['prɛsɪŋ] |
iron my clothes ['aɪən maɪ kləuðz] |
fold the clothes / laundry [fəuld ðə kləuðz 'lɔ:ndrɪ] |
iron ['aɪən] |
iron ['aɪən] |
do the ironing [du: ðə 'aɪərnɪŋ] |