Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
coach [kəuʧ] |
trainer ['treɪnə(r)] |
coach [kəuʧ] |
personal trainer ['pə:sɪnl 'treɪnə(r)] |
personel trainer | |
coach [kəuʧ] |
fitness trainers | |
school grounds [sku:l graundz] |
whale trainer [weɪl 'treɪnə(r)] |
fitness coach ['fɪtnɪs kəuʧ] |
fitness trainer ['fɪtnɪs 'treɪnə(r)] |
football coach ['futbɔ:l kəuʧ] |
The coach is furious, the team has lost the second match in a row. [ðə kəuʧ ɪz 'fjuərɪəs ðə ti:m hæz lɔst ðə 'sɛkənd mæʧ ɪn ə rəu] |
sports coach [spɔ:ts kəuʧ] |
coach [kəuʧ] |
voice coaches [vɔɪs 'kəuʧɪz] |
fitness coach ['fɪtnɪs kəuʧ] |