Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
playing cards ['pleɪɪŋ kɑ:dz] |
playing on the feelings | |
playing computer games ['pleɪɪŋ kəm'pju:tə(r) geɪmz] |
playing the guitar ['pleɪɪŋ ðə gɪ'tɑ:(r)] |
playing the piano ['pleɪɪŋ ðə pɪ'ænə] |
playing chess ['pleɪɪŋ ʧɛs] |
I enjoy playing basketbal | |
Playing the piano well depends on how much you practice. ['pleɪɪŋ ðə pɪ'ænə wɛl dɪ'pɛndz ɔn hau mʌʧ ju: 'præktəs] |
acting in a play ['æktɪŋ ɪn ə pleɪ] |
playing basketball ['pleɪɪŋ 'bæskətbɔ:l] |
playing tennis ['pleɪɪŋ 'tɛnɪs] |
playing table tennis ['pleɪɪŋ 'teɪbl 'tɛnɪs] |
playing table tennis ['pleɪɪŋ 'teɪbl 'tɛnɪs] |
playing baseball ['pleɪɪŋ 'beɪsbɔ:l] |
playing badminton ['pleɪɪŋ 'bædmɪntn] |
playing hockey ['pleɪɪŋ 'hɔkɪ] |
PLAYING GAMES ['pleɪɪŋ geɪmz] |
playing in the orchestra ['pleɪɪŋ ɪn ðə 'ɔ:kɪstrə] |
online gaming ['ɔ:nlaɪn 'geɪmɪŋ] |