Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
you are confused | |
you [ju:] |
young [jʌŋ] |
youngster ['jʌŋstə(r)] |
your [jɔ:(r)] |
yours [jɔ:z] |
yourself ['jɔ:self] |
yourselves [jɔ:'sɛlvz] |
youth [ju:θ] |
youthful ['jju:θfəl] |
you bet [ju: bɛt] |
You are [ju: ɑ:(r)] |
you feel save | |
you can play with | |
you have good company [ju: hæv gud 'kʌmpənɪ] |
you lern how to take care of animals | |
you lern how to be responsible | |
you have to feed it [ju: hæv tu fi:d ɪt] |
you have to walk the dog [ju: hæv tu wɔ:k ðə dɔg] |
you may be allergic to cats fur | |
Your sleeves have elongated after washing. | |
youth hostel [ju:θ 'hɔstl] |
You can’t miss it | |
You look good. [ju: luk gud] |
you are right [ju: ɑ:(r) raɪt] |
you are wrong [ju: ɑ:(r) rɔŋ] |
You're late [jur leɪt] |
You are [ju: ɑ:(r)] |
you have [ju: hæv] |
YOUR HAVE [jɔ:(r) hæv] |
you have got [ju: hæv gɔt] |
you have got [ju: hæv gɔt] |
you haven't got [ju: 'hævənt gɔt] |
You are not [ju: ɑ:(r) nɔt] |
Your Majesty [jɔ:(r) 'mæʤɪstɪ] |
yours faithfully [jurz 'feɪθfəlɪ] |
Yours sincerely [jurz sɪn'sɪrlɪ] |
You always have my best wishes for... [ju: 'ɔ:lweɪz hæv maɪ bɛst 'wɪʃɪz fɔ:(r)] |
you warned me [ju: wɔ:nd mi:] |
yours sincerely [jurz sɪn'sɪrlɪ] |
You're blocking the way. | |
youn lady | |
yours faithfully [jurz 'feɪθfəlɪ] |
younger ['jʌŋgə(r)] |
you should [ju: ʃud] |
You need to [ju: ni:d tu] |
you see [ju: si:] |
You can pull it | |
younger than ['jʌŋgə(r) ðæn] |
You're wrong [ju:r rɔŋ] |
you get to know the company inside out [ju: gɛt tu nəu ðə 'kʌmpənɪ ɪn'saɪd aut] |
you can get a good position in the company [ju: kæn gɛt ə gud pə'zɪʃən ɪn ðə 'kʌmpənɪ] |
You're welcome. | |
You have a point but ... [ju: hæv ə pɔɪnt bʌt] |
You don't say [ju: dəunt seɪ] |
You can't miss it [ju: kænt mɪs ɪt] |
You are a star [ju: ɑ:(r) ə stɑ:] |
you can [ju: kæn] |
You can rely on Steve. | |
You can't win them all | |
You never know [ju: 'nɛvə(r) nəu] |
your [jɔ:(r)] |
you must be joking [ju: mʌst bi: 'ʤəukɪŋ] |
younger than he looks ['jʌŋgə(r) ðæn hi: luks] |
younger... than ['jʌŋgə(r) ðæn] |
you're right [jur raɪt] |
young colt | |
you can be sure [ju: kæn bi: ʃuə(r)] |
yourself ['jɔ:self] |
yourselves [jɔ:'sɛlvz] |
you ought to visit the place [ju: ɔ:t tu 'vɪzɪt ðə pleɪs] |
you might have sprainded it | |
yours faithfully [jurz 'feɪθfəlɪ] |
you're welcome [jur 'wɛlkəm] |
you have some nerve to do it | |
you [ju:] |
You [ju:] |
you poor thing [ju: puə(r) θɪŋ] |
you don't look your age | |
you aren't [ju: 'ɑ:ənt] |
you haven't got [ju: 'hævənt gɔt] |
you are supposed to do sth [ju: ɑ:(r) sɪ'pəuzd tu du: 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
you mustn't use [ju: 'mʌsɪnt ju:s] |
you'd better [jju:d 'bɛtə(r)] |
your fly is open | |
you speak so fast that i cant understand you | |
you know where it is | |
you know where it possibly | |
youngsters ['jʌŋstərz] |
you fool | |
You've got to be kidding [jju:v gɔt tu bi: 'kɪdɪŋ] |
you [ju:] |
You don't pay any attention to what I say | |
You must be strict to the rules [ju: mʌst bi: strɪkt tu ðə ru:lz] |
you still have 6 days of your annual leave left | |
you were [ju: wə:(r)] |
You don't have to [ju: dəunt hæv tu] |
You'd better not [jju:d 'bɛtə(r) nɔt] |
You will be sorry if... | |
You have no right to... [ju: hæv nəu raɪt tu] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
to get a life [tu gɛt ə laɪf] |
significant other [sɪg'nɪfɪkənt 'ʌðə(r)] |
You can hang your coat on the hook beside the door | |
You'll have to wait another day or two. [jju:l hæv tu weɪt ə'nʌðə(r) deɪ ɔ:(r) tju:] |
yobbish | |
your [jɔ:(r)] |
glued to the spot | |
When in Rome, do as the Romans do [wɛn ɪn rəum du: æz ðə 'rəumənz du:] |
you [ju:] |
antysocial behaviour [antysocial behaviour] |
you've really thought this through [you've 'rɪlɪ θɔ:t ðɪs θru:] |
schronisko młodzieżowe [schronisko młodzieżowe] |
you're like most people [jur laɪk məust 'pi:pl] |
When pulling up of the lift is busy [wɛn 'pulɪŋ ʌp ɔv ðə lɪft ɪz 'bɪzɪ] |
You will be driving your vehicle in Europe [ju: wɪl bi: 'draɪvɪŋ jɔ:(r) 'vi:hɪkl ɪn 'jurəp] |
To have good all-round vision [tu hæv gud ɔ:l raund 'vɪʒən] |
When overtaking on motorways [wɛn 'əuvərteɪkɪŋ ɔn motorways] |
Tailgating another [Tailgating ə'nʌðə(r)] |
You should not overtake when [ju: ʃud nɔt əuvə'teɪk wɛn] |
You should overtake [ju: ʃud əuvə'teɪk] |
Following a large ['fɔləuɪŋ ə lɑ:ʤ] |
Before braking in wet [bɪ'fɔ:(r) 'breɪkɪŋ ɪn wɛt] |
You are driving a fully [ju: ɑ:(r) 'draɪvɪŋ ə 'fulɪ] |
When using a [wɛn 'jju:zɪŋ ə] |
You are planning... [ju: ɑ:(r) 'plænɪŋ] |
It is eight [ɪt ɪz eɪt] |
As well as [æz wɛl æz] |
Your vehicles......... [jɔ:(r) 'vi:hɪkəlz] |
Your lorry........ [jɔ:(r) 'lɔrɪ] |
You have been.. [ju: hæv bɪ:n] |
You are at,.,. [ju: ɑ:(r) æt] |
You are driving,,..,,..,,.......... [ju: ɑ:(r) 'draɪvɪŋ] |
You are.,. [ju: ɑ:(r)] |
Y S K [waɪ ɛs keɪ] |
Y W [waɪ 'dʌbəlju] |
x I'm always tired in the morning y: ............ go to bed earlier. [ɛks aɪm 'ɔ:lweɪz 'taɪəd ɪn ðə 'mɔ:nɪŋ waɪ gəu tu bɛd 'ə:lɪə(r)] |
X: The party is tomorrow and I have nothing to wear. Y: ........ the black dress your mother bought you last week X: You're right. That's good idea [ɛks ðə 'pɑ:tɪ ɪz tə'mɑ:əu ænd aɪ hæv 'nʌθɪŋ tu wɛə(r) waɪ ðə blæk drɛs jɔ:(r) 'mʌðə(r) bɔt ju: lɑ:st wi:k ɛks jur raɪt ðæts gud aɪ'dɪə] |
My surname is Brzeczykiewicz. Can ........, please? BRZECZYKIEWICZ [maɪ 'sə:neɪm ɪz Brzeczykiewicz kæn pli:z BRZECZYKIEWICZ] |
you have [ju: hæv] |
non-refundable | |
unlimited mileage | |
tongue-tied | |
penny dropped | |
to be on the dole | |
to have to hand it to sb | |
it is accessible [ɪt ɪz æk'sɛsɪbl] |
it is within easy reach of [ɪt ɪz wɪð'ɪn 'i:zɪ ri:ʧ ɔv] |
there's no getting away from it [there's nəu 'gɛtɪŋ ə'weɪ frɔm ɪt] |
you (not/go) out last night [ju: nɔt gəu aut lɑ:st naɪt] |
you (clean) the kitchen [ju: kli:n ðə 'kɪʧɪn] |
serves you right [sə:vz ju: raɪt] |
flattery will get you nowhere ['flætərɪ wɪl gɛt ju: 'nəuwɛə(r)] |
You are [ju: ɑ:(r)] |
You are not [ju: ɑ:(r) nɔt] |
i got your name from [aɪ gɔt jɔ:(r) neɪm frɔm] |
track record [træk rɪ'kɔ:d] |
answer for something/somebody | |
ask out | |
your [jɔ:(r)] |
yours [jurz] |