Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"twoje" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
Your hair is too long. You should have it cut
Your name was given to me by
[jɔ:(r) neɪm wɔz 'gɪvən tu mi: baɪ]
your background: education, work and cerificates
your hair is straight
Your arm was broken , but it is healing well.
Your actions could have had serious consequences.
[jɔ:(r) 'ækʃənz kud hæv hæd 'sɪərɪəs 'kɔnsɪkwɛnsɪz]
Your assignment was due thirty minutes ago!
[jɔ:(r) ə'saɪnmənt wɔz dju: 'θə:dɪ 'mɪnəts ə'gəu]
yuor children
your birthday
your headaches will cease
here is to your health
your pen
[jɔ:(r) pɛn]
your desk
[jɔ:(r) dɛsk]
your lessons
[jɔ:(r) 'lɛsɪnz]
Your shoes are nice. Were they expensive?
your rightful place
[jɔ:(r) 'raɪtfəl pleɪs]
Your hands are very dirty, however ,they'll be clean soon.
your letter of 23 rd January
[jɔ:(r) 'lɛtə(r) ɔv 23 rd 'ʤænjuɛrɪ]
your phone call today
[jɔ:(r) fəun kɔ:l tə'deɪ]
your account is overdrawn
[jɔ:(r) ə'kaunt ɪz 'əuvərdrɔ:n]
Your explanation didn't convince me
[jɔ:(r) ɛksplə'neɪʃən didn't kən'vɪns mi:]
your children
[jɔ:(r) 'ʧɪldrən]
a different side of yourself
[ə 'dɪfərənt saɪd ɔv jər'sɛlf]
Your pencils wouldn't break if you packed your school bag more carefully.
[jɔ:(r) 'pɛnsɪlz 'wudənt breɪk ɪf ju: pækt jɔ:(r) sku:l bæg mɔ:(r) 'kɛəfəlɪ]
Your shoes are dirty.
[jɔ:(r) ʃu:z ɑ:(r) 'də:tɪ]
la tua salute
[lɑ tua sɪ'lu:t]
Your investments fly in the face of common sense
[jɔ:(r) ɪn'vɛstmənts flaɪ ɪn ðə feɪs ɔv 'kɔmən sɛns]
you body can benefit from regular walks
[ju: 'bɔdɪ kæn 'bɛnəfɪt frɔm 'rɛgjulə(r) wɔ:ks]
you words are unbearable
[ju: wə:dz ɑ:(r) ən'bɛrəbl]

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