Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"from" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
od (z)
from abroad
[frɔm əb'rɔ:d]
from time to time
[frɔm taɪm tu taɪm]
from the word go
[frɔm ðə wə:d gəu]
from A to B
from head to foot
from scratch
[frɔm skræʧ]
from 1990 to 1999
from school
from Paris
from ceiling
from the sky
from cover to cover
from my point of view
[frɔm maɪ pɔɪnt ɔv vju:]
from ... to
[frɔm tu]
od ... do
from all over the world
[frɔm ɔ:l 'əuvə(r) ðə wə:ld]
from holiday
from the time one starts primary education
from below
from now on
[frɔm nau ɔn]
from the very beginning
[frɔm ðə 'vɛrɪ bɪ'gɪnɪŋ]
from... to...
[frɔm tu]
from... to
[frɔm ... tu]
od... do
from one side to the other
from nose to tail
from the days
[frɔm ðə deɪz]
from bad to worse
from then on
from then
[frɔm ðɛn]
from soup to nuts
from between sth
from depressed area
from top to bottom
[frɔm tɔp tu 'bɔtəm]
from side to side
[frɔm saɪd tu saɪd]
from beginning to end
[frɔm bɪ'gɪnɪŋ tu ɛnd]
from door to door
From the station he gets bus to his office.
from afar
from June through to September
from there
[frɔm ðɛə(r)]
from each other
from the outset
[frɔm ðə 'autsɛt]
From souvenirs
from the beginning
[frɔm ðə bɪ'gɪnɪŋ]
from sunday
from Monday to Wednesday
From bad to worse
[frɔm bæd tu wə:s]
from here
[frɔm hɪr]
z, od
from his behind
[frɔm hɪz bɪ'haɪnd]
from work
from side to side
[frɔm saɪd tu saɪd]
from among
[frɔm ə'mʌŋ]
from apart
from the back
from a plate
from time to time / on and off
[frɔm taɪm tu taɪm ɔn ænd ɔf]
from ten in the morning until six in the afternoon
od... do....
from a town
from all ovr the whorld
from dawn to dusk
From a child
from rags to riches
[frɔm rægz tu 'rɪʧəz]
from where?
from seven to eight
from morning to night
From my experience
from around the globe
[frɔm ər'aund ðə gləub]
from eight o'clock
from that time
from now on
[frɔm nau ɔn]
from the distance
from the age of two
[frɔm ðə eɪʤ ɔv tju:]
from experiencem
from to
[frɔm tu]
from 1 to 10
[frɔm 1 tu 10]
from above
[frɔm ə'bʌv]
from humble beginnings to end
[frɔm 'hʌmbl bɪ'gɪnɪŋz tu ɛnd]
from that day
[frɔm ðæt deɪ]
from some quarters
[frɔm sʌm 'kwɔ:tərz]
from ... to ...
[frɔm tu]
z ... do ...
from the time immemorial
[frɔm ðə taɪm ɪmə'mɔ:ɪəl]
from skipping school
[frɔm 'skɪpɪŋ sku:l]
from suppliers in
[frɔm sɪp'laɪərz ɪn]
from day of my birth
[frɔm deɪ ɔv maɪ bə:θ]
from the off
[frɔm ðə ɔf]
from the day one
[frɔm ðə deɪ wʌn]
From my standpoint
[frɔm maɪ 'stændpɔɪnt]
from what I have heard
[frɔm wɔt aɪ hæv hə:d]
from shoes to furniture
[frɔm ʃu:z tu 'fə:nɪʧə(r)]
from an ethical point of view
[frɔm ən 'ɛθəkl pɔɪnt ɔv vju:]
From Warsaw to Lodz I was travelling with name.
[frɔm 'wɔ:sɔ: tu Lodz aɪ wɔz 'trævəlɪŋ wɪð neɪm]
from scratch
[frɔm skræʧ]

"from" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
From a child
from the word go

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