Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
other ['ʌðə(r)] |
otherwise ['ʌðərwaɪz] |
other than ['ʌðə(r) ðæn] |
others ['ʌðərz] |
other night ['ʌðə(r) naɪt] |
other passengers ['ʌðə(r) 'pæsɪnʤərz] |
other ['ʌðə(r)] |
otherwise ['ʌðərwaɪz] |
other children | |
other skills | |
other languages ['ʌðə(r) 'læŋgwəʤəz] |
otherwise I will be forced to ['ʌðərwaɪz aɪ wɪl bi: fɔ:st tu] |
other ['ʌðə(r)] |
other ['ʌðə(r)] |
other features | |
other people ['ʌðə(r) 'pi:pl] |
otherworldly ['ʌðərwə:ldlɪ] |
other problems ['ʌðə(r) 'prɔbləmz] |
other fish to fry ['ʌðə(r) fɪʃ tu fraɪ] |
other ['ʌðə(r)] |
other than that | |
other ['ʌðə(r)] |
other members of the company | |
other ['ʌðə(r)] |
other neurologists say the same | |
other sales techniques | |
otherwise, she's all right ['ʌðərwaɪz ʃi:z ɔ:l raɪt] |
other fees ['ʌðə(r) fi:z] |
other information | |
Others may go to careers advisers to ask for help in starting or managing the careers ['ʌðərz meɪ gəu tu kər'ɪrz æd'vaɪzərz tu æsk fɔ:(r) hɛlp ɪn 'stɑ:tɪŋ ɔ:(r) 'mænəʤɪŋ ðə kə] |
otherworldly ['ʌðərwə:ldlɪ] |
others (the others) ['ʌðərz ðə 'ʌðərz] |
other ['ʌðə(r)] |
Other companies provide or offer services. ['ʌðə(r) 'kʌmpənɪz prə'vaɪd ɔ:(r) 'ɔfə(r) 'sə:vɪsɪz] |
other 'beings' would have made contact with us ['ʌðə(r) 'beings' wud hæv meɪd 'kɔntækt wɪð ʌs] |
other ['ʌðə(r)] |
otherwise, or else ['ʌðərwaɪz ɔ:(r) ɛls] |
other ['ʌðə(r)] |
other ['ʌðə(r)] |
other ['ʌðə(r)] |
Other work incentives ['ʌðə(r) wə:k ɪn'sɛntɪvz] |
other hand ['ʌðə(r) hænd] |
otherwise ['ʌðərwaɪz] |
other things ['ʌðə(r) θɪŋz] |
otherwise ['ʌðərwaɪz] |
otherwise ['ʌðərwaɪz] |
other ( l.m.) ['ʌðə(r) lm] |
otherness ['ʌðərnəs] |
Others swear they will drink less alcohol. ['ʌðərz swɛə(r) ðeɪ wɪl drɪŋk lɛs 'ælkəhɔl] |
other servers ['ʌðə(r) 'sə:vərz] |
other products ['ʌðə(r) 'prɔdəkts] |
others ['ʌðərz] |
Otherwise, I will be forced to take legal steps ['ʌðərwaɪz aɪ wɪl bi: fɔ:st tu teɪk 'li:gl stɛps] |
otherwise ['ʌðərwaɪz] |
other than that ['ʌðə(r) ðæn ðæt] |
otherwise ['ʌðərwaɪz] |
other one ['ʌðə(r) wʌn] |
other shops ['ʌðə(r) ʃɔps] |
other sports ['ʌðə(r) spɔ:ts] |
other ['ʌðə(r)] |
otherwise ['ʌðərwaɪz] |
otherwise ['ʌðərwaɪz] |
Other than that, I think I'm fine ['ʌðə(r) ðæn ðæt aɪ θɪŋk I’m faɪn] |
others are inferior ['ʌðərz ɑ:(r) ɪn'fɪrɪə(r)] |
otherwise ['ʌðərwaɪz] |
other side of the road ['ʌðə(r) saɪd ɔv ðə rəud] |
Otherwise, you wouldn't even know about it ['ʌðərwaɪz ju: wouldn’t 'i:vn nəu ə'baut ɪt] |
others ['ʌðərz] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
You should... because [ju: ʃud bɪ'kɔ:z] |