Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
people ['pi:pl] |
people are lonely on only | |
people of the world | |
people skills | |
people of all ages ['pi:pl ɔv ɔ:l 'eɪʤəz] |
people keep shopping on the Internet | |
peoples ['pi:pəlz] |
people read | |
people person ['pi:pl 'pə:sɪn] |
People dress very well | |
people say that temperature | |
People should treat each other better | |
People shouldn't be so aggressive. | |
people of that sort ['pi:pl ɔv ðæt sɔ:t] |
people believe that ghost come to Earth | |
People pay this man to solve problems with their cars. | |
people consider them to be crazy | |
people all over the world | |
people at the party were mostly young | |
people got richer and also greedier | |
People are gonna notice that you're a nice person | |
people shouldn't continue to deplete the natural resources | |
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones | |
people work in order to earn money | |
People have a fear of losing a job. | |
people quit their jobs because they earn too little money | |
People who go hunting don't love animals. ['pi:pl hu: gəu 'hʌntɪŋ dəunt lʌv 'ænəməlz] |
people her age ['pi:pl hə:(r) eɪʤ] |
people who break the law are taken to court ['pi:pl hu: breɪk ðə lɔ: ɑ:(r) 'teɪkən tu kɔ:t] |
people often get into financial troubles ['pi:pl 'ɔ:fən gɛt 'ɪntu fə'nænʃəl 'trʌbəlz] |
People who know what kind of job they want can look at job advertisements for a suitable position ['pi:pl hu: nəu wɔt kaɪnd ɔv ʤɔb ðeɪ wɔnt kæn luk æt ʤɔb 'ædvərtaɪzmənts fɔ:(r) ə 'sju:təbl pə'zɪʃ<] |
people drown in icy waters ['pi:pl draun ɪn 'aɪsɪ 'wɔ:tərz] |
people were driven from their homes ['pi:pl wə:(r) 'drɪvn frɔm ðɛə(r) həumz] |
People pretend to be deaf when they don't want to answer for question ['pi:pl prɪ'tɛnd tu bi: dɛf wɛn ðeɪ don't wɔnt tu 'ɑ:nsə(r) fɔ:(r) 'kwɛsʧən] |
People may need the help of a plastic surgeon when they've been injured in an accident ['pi:pl meɪ ni:d ðə hɛlp ɔv ə 'plæstɪk 'sə:ʤən wɛn they've bɪ:n 'ɪnʤərd ɪn ən 'æksɪdənt] |
people-skill ['pi:pl skɪl] |
People usually prefer to be left alone when they're going to cry ['pi:pl 'jju:ʒəwəlɪ prə'fə: tu bi: lɛft ə'ləun wɛn they're 'gəuɪŋ tu kraɪ] |
People buy fake goods of well known brands because they can't afford genuine ones ['pi:pl baɪ feɪk gudz ɔv wɛl nəun brændz bɪ'kɔ:z ðeɪ can't ə'fɔ:d 'ʤɛnjuwən wʌnz] |
People can feel offended when someone makes a joke at their expense ['pi:pl kæn fi:l ə'fɛndəd wɛn 'sʌmwʌn meɪks ə ʤəuk æt ðɛə(r) ɪks'pɛns] |
People who are very sensitive about their figure get easily offended when you criticise their looks ['pi:pl hu: ɑ:(r) 'vɛrɪ 'sɛnsɪtɪv ə'baut ðɛə(r) 'fɪgə(r) gɛt 'i:zɪlɪ ə'fɛndəd wɛn ju: criticise ðɛə(r) luk] |
People can't live there normally. ['pi:pl can't lɪv ðɛə(r) 'nɔ:məlɪ] |
People leave litter on the beach ['pi:pl li:v 'lɪtə(r) ɔn ðə bi:ʧ] |
People are anxious about losing their health ['pi:pl ɑ:(r) 'æŋkʃəs ə'baut 'lju:zɪŋ ðɛə(r) hɛlθ] |
people, human beings ['pi:pl 'hju:mən 'bi:ɪŋz] |
People in school ['pi:pl ɪn sku:l] |
people who work in the some company as you - colleagues ['pi:pl hu: wə:k ɪn ðə sʌm 'kʌmpənɪ æz ju: 'kɔli:gz] |
People are detained for trying to exercise their rights to freedom ['pi:pl ɑ:(r) dɪ'teɪnd fɔ:(r) 'traɪɪŋ tu 'ɛksəsaɪz ðɛə(r) raɪts tu 'fri:dəm] |
people management ['pi:pl 'mænəʤmənt] |
People usually envy in others that they're rich or famous. ['pi:pl 'jju:ʒəwəlɪ 'ɛnvɪ ɪn 'ʌðərz ðæt they're rɪʧ ɔ:(r) 'feɪməs] |
People still starve to death in so many areas of the world because of such disaster as flood or famine ['pi:pl stɪl stɑ:v tu dɛθ ɪn səu 'mɛnɪ 'ɛrɪəz ɔv ðə wə:ld bɪ'kɔ:z ɔv sʌʧ dɪ'zæstə(r) æz flʌd ;] |
People celebrate their Diamond anniversary if they've been married 75 years. ['pi:pl 'sɛləbreɪt ðɛə(r) 'daɪəmənd ænɪ'və:sərɪ ɪf they've bɪ:n 'mærɪd 75 jɪrz] |
People marvel at firemen's courage ['pi:pl 'mɑ:vəl æt firemen's 'kə:əʤ] |
People go on strike because they're disappointed with their working conditions ['pi:pl gəu ɔn straɪk bɪ'kɔ:z they're dɪsə'pɔɪntɪd wɪð ðɛə(r) 'wə:kɪŋ kən'dɪʃənz] |
People get used to living in luxury very quickly ['pi:pl gɛt jju:zd tu 'lɪvɪŋ ɪn 'lʌkʃərɪ 'vɛrɪ 'kwɪklɪ] |
people person ['pi:pl 'pə:sɪn] |
People sometimes exaggerate their illnesses to have a day off at work ['pi:pl sɪm'taɪmz ɪg'zæʤəreɪt ðɛə(r) 'ɪlnɪsɪz tu hæv ə deɪ ɔf æt wə:k] |
People can answer mobiles in public transport. ['pi:pl kæn 'ɑ:nsə(r) 'məubəlz ɪn 'pʌblɪk træn'spɔ:t] |
People worry about their weight ['pi:pl 'wʌrɪ ə'baut ðɛə(r) weɪt] |
People should turn off. ['pi:pl ʃud tə:n ɔf] |
People shouldn't answer. ['pi:pl shouldn't 'ɑ:nsə(r)] |
people do remember ['pi:pl du: rɪ'mɛmbə(r)] |
People are obliged to work overtimes = people have to work overtimes ['pi:pl ɑ:(r) əb'laɪʤd tu wə:k overtimes = 'pi:pl hæv tu wə:k overtimes] |
people sleep a lot during the day ['pi:pl sli:p ə lɔt 'durɪŋ ðə deɪ] |
People from Warsaw are angry at A. ['pi:pl frɔm 'wɔ:sɔ: ɑ:(r) 'æŋgrɪ æt ə] |
people from all walks of life ['pi:pl frɔm ɔ:l wɔ:ks ɔv laɪf] |
People are walking for a group of men. ['pi:pl ɑ:(r) 'wɔ:kɪŋ fɔ:(r) ə gru:p ɔv mɛn] |
People shout. ['pi:pl ʃaut] |
people/social skills ['pi:pl 'səuʃl skɪlz] |
people/social skills ['pi:pl 'səuʃl skɪlz] |
people at work ['pi:pl æt wə:k] |
people in need ['pi:pl ɪn ni:d] |
people's party [people's 'pɑ:tɪ] |
People in Italy drink a lot of coffee. ['pi:pl ɪn 'ɪtəlɪ drɪŋk ə lɔt ɔv 'kɔfɪ] |
people skills ['pi:pl skɪlz] |
People love watching meerkats in zoo ['pi:pl lʌv 'wɔʧɪŋ meerkats ɪn zu:] |
people look themselves in the mirror ['pi:pl luk ðem'sɛlvz ɪn ðə 'mɪrə(r)] |
People ['pi:pl] |
people with incurable illnesses ['pi:pl wɪð ɪn'kjurəbl 'ɪlnɪsɪz] |
people concerned ['pi:pl kən'sə:nd] |
People are riding on a camel. ['pi:pl ɑ:(r) 'raɪdɪŋ ɔn ə 'kæməl] |
people in frontline positions ['pi:pl ɪn 'frʌntlaɪn pə'zɪʃənz] |
people are getting to know ['pi:pl ɑ:(r) 'gɛtɪŋ tu nəu] |
peoples ['pi:pəlz] |
people you don't know ['pi:pl ju: dəunt nəu] |
people she doesn't know ['pi:pl ʃi: 'dʌzənt nəu] |
people confessed to... ['pi:pl kən'fɛst tu] |
people focused ['pi:pl 'fəukɪst] |
People sleep a lot during day ['pi:pl sli:p ə lɔt 'durɪŋ deɪ] |
people follow ['pi:pl 'fɔləu] |
people should be addressed by their academic title ['pi:pl ʃud bi: əd'rɛst baɪ ðɛə(r) ækə'dɛmɪk 'taɪtl] |
People usually go to work five times a week ['pi:pl 'jju:ʒəwəlɪ gəu tu wə:k faɪv taɪmz ə wi:k] |
People eat fruit and vegetables because they want to be healthy ['pi:pl i:t fru:t ænd 'vɛʤtəblz bɪ'kɔ:z ðeɪ wɔnt tu bi: 'hɛlθɪ] |
people`s attitude ['pi:pəlz 'ætətju:d] |
people wear ['pi:pl wɛə(r)] |
People should drink more water. Additionally, they should exercise more often ['pi:pl ʃud drɪŋk mɔ:(r) 'wɔ:tə(r) ə'dɪʃənəlɪ ðeɪ ʃud 'ɛksəsaɪz mɔ:(r) 'ɔ:fən] |
people ['pi:pl] |
people carrier ['pi:pl 'kærɪə(r)] |
people say that ['pi:pl seɪ ðæt] |
people get nervous ['pi:pl gɛt 'nə:vəs] |
people visit one another ['pi:pl 'vɪzɪt wʌn ə'nʌðə(r)] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
observant (people) [əb'zə:vənt] |
peers [pɪrz] |
Ludziom zazwyczaj nie wolno chodzić wokól | |
movers and shakers | | od person | |
Saying is one thing, doing is another ['seɪɪŋ ɪz wʌn θɪŋ 'dju:ɪŋ ɪz ə'nʌðə(r)] |
the homeless [ðə 'həumlɪs] |
charming ['ʧɑ:mɪŋ] |
competitive [kəm'pɛtətɪv] |
selfish ['sɛlfɪʃ] |
aggressive [ə'grɛsɪv] |
sensible ['sɛnsɪbl] |
manipulative [mə'nɪpjuleɪtɪv] |
moody ['mju:dɪ] |
independent [ɪndɪ'pɛndnt] |
bossy ['bɔsɪ] |
affectionate [ə'fɛkʃənɪt] |
demand [dɪ'mɑ:nd] |
soft skills [sɔft skɪlz] |
in the know [ɪn ðə nəu] |
backers ['bækərz] |
inconsiderate [inconsiderate] |
researchers ['ri:sərʧərz] |