Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"powinni" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
Should we go and see that film?
we should stop our discussion
We should leave now
We should take along some food.
[wi: ʃud teɪk ə'lɔŋ sʌm fu:d]
We should follow them in order to find the fire exit.
we should just mind or own business
[wi: ʃud ʤʌst maɪnd ɔ:(r) əun 'bɪznəs]
We should go meet them.
[wi: ʃud gəu mi:t ðɛm]
we should knock before entering a room when..
[wi: ʃud nɔk bɪ'fɔ:(r) 'ɛntərɪŋ ə ru:m wɛn]
we should divide it equally among all
[wi: ʃud dɪ'vaɪd ɪt 'i:kwəlɪ ə'mʌŋ ɔ:l]
should be sent to prison for life
[ʃud bi: sɛnt tu 'prɪzn fɔ:(r) laɪf]
We need to do something about it.
[wi: ni:d tu du: 'sʌmθɪŋ ə'baut ɪt]
We should wrap up well when it's freezing outside
[wi: ʃud ræp ʌp wɛl wɛn it's 'fri:zɪŋ aut'saɪd]
Shall we leave now
[ʃæl wi: li:v nau]
We are supposed
[wi: ɑ:(r) sɪ'pəuzd]
we should grill, boil, steam, roast
[wi: ʃud grɪl bɔɪl sti:m rəust]
food containing sugar should be avoided
[fu:d kən'teɪnɪŋ 'ʃugə(r) ʃud bi: ə'vɔɪdəd]
we should take into consideration some changes
[wi: ʃud teɪk 'ɪntu kənsɪdə'reɪʃən sʌm 'ʧeɪnʤəz]
We should discourage him from coming here
[wi: ʃud dɪs'kʌrɪʤ hɪm frɔm 'kʌmɪŋ hɪr]
they should get plenty of sleep
[ðeɪ ʃud gɛt 'plɛntɪ ɔv sli:p]
We should at least consider the difficulties of implementing such an approach
[wi: ʃud æt li:st kən'sɪdə(r) ðə 'dɪfəkəltɪz ɔv 'ɪmpləmɛntɪŋ sʌʧ ən ə'prəuʧ]
We should bear in mind those less fortunate at all times
[wi: ʃud bɛə(r) ɪn maɪnd ðəuz lɛs 'fɔ:ʧənɪt æt ɔ:l taɪmz]
We should think it over, better safe than sorry
[wi: ʃud θɪŋk ɪt 'əuvə(r) 'bɛtə(r) seɪf ðæn 'sɔrɪ]
We should bring up this topic in the next meeting
[wi: ʃud brɪŋ ʌp ðɪs 'tɔpɪk ɪn ðə nɛkst 'mi:tɪŋ]
we should cope with the problem rather than feel hurt and react angrily
[wi: ʃud kəup wɪð ðə 'prɔbləm 'ræðə(r) ðæn fi:l hə:t ænd ri:'ækt 'æŋgrəlɪ]
we should cope with the problem rather than feel hurt and react angrily
[wi: ʃud kəup wɪð ðə 'prɔbləm 'ræðə(r) ðæn fi:l hə:t ænd ri:'ækt 'æŋgrəlɪ]
we are supposed to
[wi: ɑ:(r) sɪ'pəuzd tu]
We should also discuss
[wi: ʃud 'ɔ:lsəu dɪs'kʌs]
we should try slowly but surely develop
[wi: ʃud traɪ 'sləulɪ bʌt 'ʃurlɪ dɪ'vɛləp]
we should make sure first
[wi: ʃud meɪk ʃuə(r) fə:st]

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