Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"kiedy" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
When were you born?
[wɛn wə:(r) ju: bɔ:n]
When in Rome do as the Romans do
[wɛn ɪn rəum du: æz ðə 'rəumənz du:]
what time would you like to come in
[wɔt taɪm wud ju: laɪk tu kʌm ɪn]
When I am on a bus
whenever I can
the other day
[ðə 'ʌðə(r) deɪ]
When is your birthday?
[wɛn ɪz jɔ:(r) 'bə:θdeɪ]
when does rhe bus leave?
When does the bus arrive in oxford?
when I was your age
[wɛn aɪ wɔz jɔ:(r) eɪʤ]
when you get to my age
[wɛn ju: gɛt tu maɪ eɪʤ]
when it came to doing
[wɛn ɪt keɪm tu 'dju:ɪŋ]
when the time comes
[wɛn ðə taɪm kʌmz]
when i first cast my eye over it
When's your birthday?
[wɛnz jɔ:(r) 'bə:θdeɪ]
when the debt matures
[wɛn ðə dɛt mə'ʧurz]
Tell me when you are ready
When is the last time you saw him
When he'd finished she looked at him in amazement
When you complete this task you can go home
When I was nineteen I thought I'd become a singer.
when they are alive
[wɛn ðeɪ ɑ:(r) ə'laɪv]
when does the class start
when you meet somebody for the first time what are
at any time
[æt 'ɛnɪ taɪm]
when do you go to the shop?
[wɛn du: ju: gəu tu ðə ʃɔp]
you've every
use to be
[ju:s tu bi:]
when i entered the room they were dancing
when she had known me for year she invited me to t
[wɛn ʃi: hæd nəun mi: fɔ:(r) jɪə(r) ʃi: ɪn'vaɪtəd mi: tu ti:]
when can i see it?
[wɛn kæn aɪ si: ɪt]
when can i move in?
[wɛn kæn aɪ mu:v ɪn]
when can i move out?
[wɛn kæn aɪ mu:v aut]
when is she going to get back
[wɛn ɪz ʃi: 'gəuɪŋ tu gɛt bæk]
Would you be able to come for an interview?
[wud ju: bi: 'eɪbl tu kʌm fɔ:(r) ən 'ɪntərvju:]
When would you be able to start work?
When You're All Alone?
[wɛn jur ɔ:l ə'ləun]
when is it closed
[wɛn ɪz ɪt kləuzd]
When I used a telescope , I could see seven planets.
When will I see you again?
[wɛn wɪl aɪ si: ju: ə'gɛn]
when things are going wrong
When is it open?
[wɛn ɪz ɪt 'əupən]
When he was a child he liked school
when you come out of the station you will find the bank opposite you
[wɛn ju: kʌm aut ɔv ðə 'steɪʃən ju: wɪl faɪnd ðə bæŋk 'ɔpəzɪt ju:]
When she realized that her skirt was torn, she was embarassed.
when a child is born
When I'm old enough , I'll try to work for the fire department
When I was twenty- five I was a firefighter in New York.
when did you see it?
When does Mike do homework?
[wɛn dʌz maɪk du: 'həumwə:k]
when she grew older
When did she realize that the house was on fire?
When my uncle got married , I was in his wedding.
When I told my mum I was pregnant she burst into tears.
[wɛn aɪ təuld maɪ mʌm aɪ wɔz 'prɛgnənt ʃi: bə:st 'ɪntu tɛrz]
When did it happen?
ever seen
['ɛvə(r) si:n]
when we got home
[wɛn wi: gɔt həum]
when did you last...?
[wɛn dɪd ju: lɑ:st]
When will we finish?
[wɛn wɪl wi: 'fɪnɪʃ]
When is breakfast?
[wɛn ɪz 'brɛkfəst]
When I was a child I imagined that I was a teacher.
When I was a child ,I imagined my wedding day.
When she wanted to visit , her family would ride a train from the city.
When she visited , Grandma and her cousin shared this bed.
When's your mother's birthday?
[wɛnz jɔ:(r) 'mʌðərz 'bə:θdeɪ]
When do you usually relax?
when i hear a fire alarm, i should leave the building quickly
[wɛn aɪ hɪə(r) ə 'faɪə(r) ə'lɑ:m aɪ ʃud li:v ðə 'bɪldɪŋ 'kwɪklɪ]
When I visit friends who have dogs , I always sneeze.
When you greet somebody, you say...
I used to think that I was great.
[aɪ jju:zd tu θɪŋk ðæt aɪ wɔz greɪt]
When did you kiss Miss Fox?
While I was riding home from school, I collided with a tree.
When I was in Russia , I bought this.
when and where shall we meet
[wɛn ænd wɛə(r) ʃæl wi: mi:t]
When we were at the beach , it was cloudy.
When I was a girl , I played soccer.
When I was in the park , she kissed me.
when I'm in the right mood
[wɛn aɪm ɪn ðə raɪt mu:d]
when i was
When does John cook dinner?
When does the CSI team get here?
When do you meet your friends?
[wɛn du: ju: mi:t jɔ:(r) frɛndz]
as and when
[æz ænd wɛn]
What day dose Christmas fall on this year?
when the pile lays in opposite directions
How long is it since you last saw Joe?
when it comes to it
when no habits or expectations distract mind
[wɛn nəu 'hæbəts ɔ:(r) ɛkspek'teɪʃənz dɪs'trækt maɪnd]

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