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"roku" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
middle of the year
['mɪdl ɔv ðə jɪə(r)]
Today is the 25th of May 2005
back in the 2000
back in 2000
by next year
every year
['ɛvrɪ jɪə(r)]
year end
sixth form college
[sɪksθ fɔ:m 'kɔlɪʤ]
five days a year
[faɪv deɪz ə jɪə(r)]
come next year
[kʌm nɛkst jɪə(r)]
at the end of the year
What did you do last year?
[wɔt dɪd ju: du: lɑ:st jɪə(r)]
This exhibition will be an event of the year
He dropped studies in his fourth year
February is the shortest month of the year.
['fɛbjuwɛrɪ ɪz ðə 'ʃɔ:tɪst mʌnθ ɔv ðə jɪə(r)]
I haven't been there since April 2004
[aɪ 'hævənt bɪ:n ðɛə(r) sɪns 'eɪprel 2004]
July is the warmest month of the year.
[ʤu:'laɪ ɪz ðə 'wɔ:mɪst mʌnθ ɔv ðə jɪə(r)]
He left Poland in nineteen forty.
in which season of the year
[ɪn wɪʧ 'si:zn ɔv ðə jɪə(r)]
last year's model
[lɑ:st jɪrz 'mɔdl]
the last week of the year
[ðə lɑ:st wi:k ɔv ðə jɪə(r)]
the months of the year
Which anniversary did you celebrate this year?
[wɪʧ ænɪ'və:sərɪ dɪd ju: 'sɛləbreɪt ðɪs jɪə(r)]
Happy new year
['hæpɪ nju: jɪə(r)]
by next year
last year
[lɑ:st jɪə(r)]
this year
[ðɪs jɪə(r)]
Spring is here early this year
[sprɪŋ ɪz hɪr 'ə:lɪ ðɪs jɪə(r)]
in the summer of 2007
[ɪn ðə 'sʌmə(r) ɔv 2007]
twice a year
[twaɪs ə jɪə(r)]
I suppose prices will go up next year
[aɪ sə'pəuz 'praɪsɪz wɪl gəu ʌp nɛkst jɪə(r)]
in 1970
three times a year
[θri: taɪmz ə jɪə(r)]
which season do you like best?
season of the year
['si:zn ɔv ðə jɪə(r)]
months off a year
the season is turning
I'm in the third year of medical school
on a yearly basis
this year,I want to go abroad on holiday
I've owned this car since 1943.
I couldn't walk until I was nearly two.
[aɪ 'kudənt wɔ:k ən'tɪl aɪ wɔz 'nɪəlɪ tju:]
We may go to France next year.
We may not go to France this year.
He has lived abroad since 1995
[hi: hæz laɪvd ə'brɔ:d sɪns 1995]
They travel abroad every year in spite of the cost.
[ðeɪ 'trævl ə'brɔ:d 'ɛvrɪ jɪə(r) ɪn spaɪt ɔv ðə kɔst]
Prices of fruit vary throughout the year
['praɪsɪz ɔv fru:t 'vɛərɪ θru:'aut ðə jɪə(r)]
This is my cousin , Julia. We were born the same year.
last year in November
graduate student
['græʤəwɪt 'stju:dənt]
What are you going to do next year?
[wɔt ɑ:(r) ju: 'gəuɪŋ tu du: nɛkst jɪə(r)]
what happened on the 14th of July 1789
Did you know her favourite cousin used to visit her on the farm every year?
What's your favourite season?
They sold the car last year
My Mary`s father didn`t write to your friend`s girl last year
The number of fish in this lake has decreased by half this year.
annual parents meeting
in July last year
once or twice a year
[wʌns ɔ:(r) twaɪs ə jɪə(r)]
bubble under
If we had started saving money five years earlier, we would buy this house next year.
four times a year
[fɔ:(r) taɪmz ə jɪə(r)]
What day dose Christmas fall on this year?
Let me see. Here's my calendar... this year Christmas falls on a Wednesday
the first staff meeting this year
[ðə fə:st stɑ:f 'mi:tɪŋ ðɪs jɪə(r)]
I want it to be in stores by the end of the year!
a great harvest is expected this year
end-of -school-year party
in last year
This is the time of year when stores mark down their prices.
[ðɪs ɪz ðə taɪm ɔv jɪə(r) wɛn stɔ:z mɑ:k daun ðɛə(r) 'praɪsɪz]
to be in the first year
It snows every year.
There was a lot of rain last year
Ewa got all A s last year. She really has a head on her shoulders.
Are you going to New Orleans for Carnival this year? No, I'm going next year.
grammar school
['græmə(r) sku:l]
Poland applied for admission to European Union in 2004
['pəulənd əp'laɪd fɔ:(r) æd'mɪʃən tu jurə'pi:ən 'ju:njən ɪn 2004]
the second contract this year
the money saved last year
I will be working in the USA next year
[aɪ wɪl bi: 'wə:kɪŋ ɪn ðə 'jju:ɛseɪ nɛkst jɪə(r)]
Yes, I think a lot will change in my life within a year
He had his chest X-rayed last year.
I expect to earn more in this year
[aɪ ɪks'pɛkt tu ə:n mɔ:(r) ɪn ðɪs jɪə(r)]
will you have learnt all the words from stage 6 by the end of the year?
[wɪl ju: hæv lə:nt ɔ:l ðə wə:dz frɔm steɪʤ 6 baɪ ðə ɛnd ɔv ðə jɪə(r)]
Does it appear to you that in recent years terrorism has increased
[dʌz ɪt ə'pɪə(r) tu ju: ðæt ɪn 'ri:snt jɪrz 'tɛrərɪzəm hæz ɪn'kri:st]
term time
[tə:m taɪm]
next year
[nɛkst jɪə(r)]

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