Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"This" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
this is like....
this will do
[ðɪs wɪl du:]
this is...
[ðɪs ɪz]
to jest...
This is to ackonwledge the receipt of your letter
This is to ackonwledge the receipt of your letter
This is to inform you that...
[ðɪs ɪz tu ɪn'fɔ:m ju: ðæt]
this is a beautiful country
[ðɪs ɪz ə 'bju:tɪful 'kʌntrɪ]
This park is lovely isnt it
This red dress is made of cotton.
this time tomorrow
[ðɪs taɪm tə'mɑ:əu]
this way
[ðɪs weɪ]
this is cab rank
This clock is fast
this plains a lot
this could lead to
[ðɪs kud lɛd tu]
This is....speaking
this time
[ðɪs taɪm]
This is no time to..
[ðɪs ɪz nəu taɪm tu]
this way for...
[ðɪs weɪ fɔ:(r)]
this is
[ðɪs ɪz]
this is my best friend
[ðɪs ɪz maɪ bɛst frɛnd]
this weekend
[ðɪs 'wi:kɛnd]
This is where I live.
[ðɪs ɪz wɛə(r) aɪ lɪv]
This car was made in the Czech Republic.
[ðɪs kɑ:(r) wɔz meɪd ɪn ðə ʧɛk rɪ'pʌblək]
This is nobody's fault but my own
[ðɪs ɪz 'nəubɑdi:z fɔ:lt bʌt maɪ əun]
This jumper is a little bit worn out but I like it
This is the magazine I was talking about
This girlfriend of yours - how old is she
This torch doesn't work - take another one
[ðɪs tɔ:ʧ 'dʌzənt wə:k teɪk ə'nʌðə(r) wʌn]
This exhibition will be an event of the year
This room is not in use
[ðɪs ru:m ɪz nɔt ɪn ju:s]
This cannot continue much longer
This picture hangs here for ages
This hospital offers high standards of medical car
This shirt cost two hundred dollars.
This computer was not worth a thousand dollars.
This house is worth two million dollars
This coffee is excellent
[ðɪs 'kɔfɪ ɪz 'ɛksələnt]
This is what you have to do.
[ðɪs ɪz wɔt ju: hæv tu du:]
This looks like a good year.
[ðɪs luks laɪk ə gud jɪə(r)]
this isn't helpful
this might suond imppossible
This knife is blunt- try to sharpen it.
this time yesterday
This training session is meant to enhance communic
This is not a good place
[ðɪs ɪz nɔt ə gud pleɪs]
this is my room
[ðɪs ɪz maɪ ru:m]
this one
[ðɪs wʌn]
this is my book
[ðɪs ɪz maɪ buk]
this is an apple
[ðɪs ɪz ən 'æpl]
this is
[ðɪs ɪz]
This performance is not to be missed
[ðɪs pə'fɔ:məns ɪz nɔt tu bi: mɪst]
this year
[ðɪs jɪə(r)]
This bikini happens to be a gift from my wife
This small town is famous for its pottery.
This is a key question.
[ðɪs ɪz ə ki: 'kwɛsʧən]
this week
[ðɪs wi:k]
this is (name) speaking
this pain just too real
[ðɪs peɪn ʤʌst tu: riəl]
This is my sister.
['ðɪs ɪz mɑɪ sɪstər]
This is my house
[ðɪs ɪz maɪ haus]
This play is an adaptation of a novel by Agatha Ch
This dress is a tight fit
[ðɪs drɛs ɪz ə taɪt fɪt]
this is the life
[ðɪs ɪz ðə laɪf]
this sweater has given me a rash
this sweater has given me a rash
this is ...
[ðɪs ɪz]
to jest .... (np. Tomek)
This is ... (a/an, L.p)
to jest .... (L.p)
this is
This might (not) be the best idea
this table is reserved
This is....
To jest ...
this entails
[ðɪs ɪn'teɪlz]
This week I know the answers to all the questions , because I studied
this makes it difficult to see
[ðɪs meɪks ɪt 'dɪfɪkəlt tu si:]
This class is meeting outside today.
[ðɪs klɑ:s ɪz 'mi:tɪŋ aut'saɪd tə'deɪ]
This class is meeting outside today.
This is an emergency.
This is an emergency.
This power plant produces electicity from coal.
This type of car burns gas to produce energy.
[ðɪs taɪp ɔv kɑ:(r) bə:nz gæs tu prə'du:s 'ɛnərʤɪ]
This is Mr Brown.
[ðɪs ɪz 'mɪstə(r) braun]
This erthquake happened in 1906.
This wall was damaged during the earthquake.
This bridge was destroyed during the earthquake.
this year,I want to go abroad on holiday
This car was in a minor accident.It won't be expensive to repair it.
THis car was damaged in a serious accident.
This is an x-ray of your teeth.
This machine takes x-rays at in airport.
This is an x-ray of your bone.
This doctor has many pregnant patients.
This is where your bone was broken.
THis patient needed pills.( stitches , an injection)

"This" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
This picture hangs here for ages
This hospital offers high standards of medical car
I have been arguing with a trafic warden
thank you for help
[θæŋk ju: fɔ:(r) hɛlp]

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