Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"był" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
to było

"był" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
był (dla 1 i 3 os l. poj.)
have been
[hæv bɪ:n]
[wɔz wə:(r)]
it was worth doing it
ex girlfriend
[ɛks 'gə:lfrɛnd]
[ɛks 'hʌzbənd]
[ɛks waɪf]
there was
[ðɛə(r) wɔz]
I would be pleased
[aɪ wud bi: pli:zd]
I have been in the seaside
[aɪ hæv bɪ:n ɪn ðə 'si:saɪd]
It was
[ɪt wɔz]
had been used
[hæd bɪ:n jju:zd]
it had a scratch on it
i would be grateful
[aɪ wud bi: 'greɪtful]
[ɛks 'gə:lfrɛnd]
I was able to
[aɪ wɔz 'eɪbl tu]
I've been to London
[aɪv bɪ:n tu 'lʌndən]
former home
they were built
he was seen to steal
I was made to go away
I'd go for
[aɪd gəu fɔ:(r)]
He was so intent on playing computer games
you were
[ju: wə:(r)]
would be
[wud bi:]
(ex-) wife
ex husband
[ɛks 'hʌzbənd]
I was covered with bites
It was six in the evening.
It was nearly midnight when I got back home.
I wondered
[aɪ 'wʌndərd]
I was happy
i would appreciate a reply at your earliest conven
i would be delighted to attend
[aɪ wud bi: dɪ'laɪtəd tu ə'tɛnd]
was a part of my life experience
She was a ray of sunshine in his dark world.
I'd be able to maintain three children
I'd be surprised if the Prime Minister announced t
I was really pleased
[aɪ wɔz 'rɪlɪ pli:zd]
I'd be grateful if you could
I would be grateful if you could...
was there a ghost?
I just witnessed a robbery.
[aɪ ʤʌst 'wɪtnɪst ə 'rɔbərɪ]
I would appreciate a quick reply
[aɪ wud ə'pri:ʃɪeɪt ə kwɪk rɪp'laɪ]
I would be grateful if you could
I would be grateful if you could consider a full refund
it was canceled
have you been here before?
[hæv ju: bɪ:n hɪr bɪ'fɔ:(r)]
that would be great
[ðæt wud bi: greɪt]
I was surprised/shocked by...
l was very interested in your...(article)
I would be grateful if you could publish my letter.
I was on holiday when
we had a lovely/ awful time
He was alone in the house
I was in the office
there was an accident
I was a doctor.
the food was scarce
[ðə fu:d wɔz skɛəs]
I've been a flight attendant for six years, and I've been to all of the continents.
He was learned in ancient languages.
I had been in Russia for two months when a thief stole my purse.
was able to help
[wɔz 'eɪbl tu hɛlp]
Was it a serious accident?
I've been a voluteer at the fire department for two years.
I have been very patient with you.
[aɪ hæv bɪ:n 'vɛrɪ 'peɪʃnt wɪð ju:]
I would be very grateful if you could
[aɪ wud bi: 'vɛrɪ 'greɪtful ɪf ju: kud]
I would appreciate a quick reply at your conveyance.
you should have learnt
I nearly bought lots of things
[aɪ 'nɪəlɪ bɔt lɔts ɔv θɪŋz]
That would be lovely, thank you.
[ðæt wud bi: 'lʌvlɪ θæŋk ju:]
i would be
[aɪ wud bi:]
was shot
It was listed under 'seafood'
There was terrible confusion.
[ðɛə(r) wɔz 'tɛrɪbl kən'fju:ʒən]
He was too stupefied to answer her.
There were problems , but we solved many of them.
It was quiet until the children came home.
It was difficult to clean the floor until I replaced my broom.
It was difficult to clean the floor until I replaced my broom.
water was scarce
there was a photographer present
I was all relaxed
was she able to come to the last lesson
[wɔz ʃi: 'eɪbl tu kʌm tu ðə lɑ:st 'lɛsn]
I was absolutely astonished
[ɛks 'prɛzədɛnt]
would by nice
I was tired last night.
ex-husband/ ex-wife
[ɛks 'hʌzbənd ɛks waɪf]
I was used to smoking
[aɪ wɔz jju:zd tu 'sməukɪŋ]
would you be so kind
[wud ju: bi: səu kaɪnd]
I was delighted to hear they’re getting married.
I was stunned.

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