Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
czasownik |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
closeseason | |
leisure ['lɛʒə(r)] |
particle ['pɑ:tɪkl] |
pluperfect | |
preterite [preterite] |
skull [skʌl] |
sometimes ['sʌmtaɪmz] |
temporal ['tɛmpərəl] |
time [taɪm] |
verb [və:b] |
time is money [taɪm ɪz 'mʌnɪ] |
Occasionally [ə'keɪʒənəlɪ] |
times [taɪmz] |
perfect tense ['pə:fɪkt tɛns] |
future tense ['fju:ʧə(r) tɛns] |
past perfect tense [pɑ:st 'pə:fɪkt tɛns] |
present tense ['prɛznt tɛns] |
it is time for [ɪt ɪz taɪm fɔ:(r)] |
time [taɪm] |
time off [taɪm ɔf] |
rise time | |
duration of voltage change | |
leisure time ['lɛʒə(r) taɪm] |
free time [fri: taɪm] |
leisure ['lɛʒə(r)] |
timing ['taɪmɪŋ] |
time for travelling [taɪm fɔ:(r) 'trævəlɪŋ] |
tense [tɛns] |
Time will tell [taɪm wɪl tɛl] |
time-consuming [taɪm kən'su:mɪŋ] |
sunny spells ['sʌnɪ spɛlz] |
spare time [spɛə(r) taɪm] |
magazine [mægə'zi:n] |
could [kud] |
glossy magazine ['glɔsɪ mægə'zi:n] |
quality time ['kwɔlɪtɪ taɪm] |
modal verb ['məudl və:b] |
ancient times ['eɪnʧənt taɪmz] |
may [meɪ] |
can [kæn] |
intransitive verb [intransitive və:b] |
transitive verb [transitive və:b] |
it's time to... | |
It's time for... [ɪts taɪm fɔ:(r)] |
shelf life [ʃɛlf laɪf] |
time a break [taɪm ə breɪk] |
downtime ['dauntaɪm] |
election time | |
layoffs ['leɪɔ:fs] |
instantly ['ɪnstəntlɪ] |
fiesta time [fɪ'ɛstə taɪm] |
verbs [və:bz] |
I sometimes have to work on Sundays [aɪ sɪm'taɪmz hæv tu wə:k ɔn 'sʌndeɪz] |
time goes by so slowly | |
wartime ['wɔ:taɪm] |
molecules ['mɔləkju:lz] |
waiting time | |
present simple I-you-we-they ['prɛzənt 'sɪmpl aɪ ju: wi: ðeɪ] |
newspapers ['nju:zpeɪpərz] |
Present Simple he-she-it | |
Sometimes I work again in the evenings | |
Sometimes I work again at weekends [sɪm'taɪmz aɪ wə:k ə'gɛn æt 'wi:kɛndz] |
glossy magazine ['glɔsɪ mægə'zi:n] |
medical journals ['mɛdəkl 'ʤə:nəlz] |
auxiliary verb [ɑg'zɪljərɪ və:b] |
spherical cap | |
tie [taɪ] |
I sometimes think that | |
Time is a great healer [taɪm ɪz ə greɪt 'hi:lə(r)] |
time is running out [taɪm ɪz 'rʌnɪŋ aut] |
politically uncertain times | |
Occasionally [ə'keɪʒənəlɪ] |
sometimes I work again at weekendsI feel a bit lon | |
the past simple tense | |
irregular verbs [ɪ'rɛgjulə(r) və:bz] |
was [wɔz] |
were [wə:(r)] |
the future simple | |
molecule (-s) | |
had [hæd] |
gossip magazine ['gɔsɪp mægə'zi:n] |
It's time for us to leave them alone [ɪts taɪm fɔ:(r) ʌs tu li:v ðɛm ə'ləun] |
bedtime ['bɛdtaɪm] |
Sometimes he doesn't say anything [sɪm'taɪmz hi: 'dʌzənt seɪ 'ɛnɪθɪŋ] |
should [ʃud] |
sometimes they steal guns | |
Sometimes [sɪm'taɪmz] |
response time [rɪs'pɔns taɪm] |
isochrones | |
Present perfect tense ['prɛzənt pər'fɛkt tɛns] |
time flies [taɪm flaɪz] |
watch [wɔʧ] |
time of moving [taɪm ɔv 'mu:vɪŋ] |
dwell time [dwɛl taɪm] |
prime time = peak viewing [praɪm taɪm = pi:k 'vju:ɪŋ] |
in-house magazine | |
temporary ['tɛmpərɛrɪ] |
sametimes | |
A time for giving | |
time for getting |