Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
it does seem we're thinking along similar lines | |
in the same plants | |
It's time for us to leave them alone [ɪts taɪm fɔ:(r) ʌs tu li:v ðɛm ə'ləun] |
have many of the same | |
on equal terms [ɔn 'i:kwl tə:mz] |
leave these two alone | |
be on the same wavelength as sb [bi: ɔn ðə seɪm 'weɪvlɛŋθ æz 'sʌmbədɪ] |
on unequal terms with | |
feel on the same wavelength [fi:l ɔn ðə seɪm 'weɪvlɛŋθ] |
following the same principles ['fɔləuɪŋ ðə seɪm 'prɪnsɪpəlz] |
Well, yes, they are a bit more expensive than desktop with the same specifications, but they're much more affordable than they used to be. [wɛl jɛs ðeɪ ɑ:(r) ə bɪt mɔ:(r) ɪk'spɛnsɪv ðæn 'dɛsktɔp wɪð ðə seɪm spɛsɪfə'keɪʃənz bʌ] |
peer [pɪə(r)] |
to be on the same wavelength [tu bi: ɔn ðə seɪm 'weɪvlɛŋθ] |
be on the same wavelength [bi: ɔn ðə seɪm 'weɪvlɛŋθ] |
they had been using the same facilities [ðeɪ hæd bɪ:n 'jju:zɪŋ ðə seɪm fə'sɪlɪtɪz] |
It occurred to me that we enjoy a lot of the same things. [ɪt ə'kə:d tu mi: ðæt wi: e'nʤɔɪ ə lɔt ɔv ðə seɪm θɪŋz] |
Would you be so good as to leave us now? [wud ju: bi: səu gud æz tu li:v ʌs nau] |