Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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"tak" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
take took taken
[teɪk tuk 'teɪkən]
take off
[teɪk ɔf]
take out
[teɪk aut]
taken (passive)
take care of
[teɪk kɛə(r) ɔv]
take place
[teɪk pleɪs]
take part
[teɪk pɑ:t]
take away
[teɪk ə'weɪ]
take in
[teɪk ɪn]
[teɪk ʌp]
take after
[teɪk 'ɑ:ftə(r)]
take a while
[teɪk ə waɪl]
taking care of animals takes up a lot of time
take into consideration
[teɪk 'ɪntu kənsɪdə'reɪʃən]
take a snapshot
take photo
[teɪk 'fəutəu]
take off
Take a taxi.
[teɪk ə 'tæksɪ]
taking from
['teɪkɪŋ frɔm]
take action
[teɪk 'ækʃən]
take (sth) in
[teɪk ɪn]
take the register
[teɪk ðə 'rɛʤɪstə(r)]
take extra lessons
[teɪk 'ɛkstrə 'lɛsɪnz]
take a break
[teɪk ə breɪk]
take part in a lesson
[teɪk pɑ:t ɪn ə 'lɛsn]
take an exam
[teɪk ən ɪg'zæm]
take a test
[teɪk ə tɛst]
take hold of
[teɪk həuld ɔv]
take by surprise
[teɪk baɪ sərp'raɪz]
take / have a bath
[teɪk hæv ə bɑ:θ]
take into account
[teɪk 'ɪntu ə'kaunt]
take out mortgage
[teɪk aut 'mɔ:gəʤ]
take to
[teɪk tu]
take tea
[teɪk ti:]
take aim
[teɪk eɪm]
take a day off
[teɪk ə deɪ ɔf]
take a leave
[teɪk ə li:v]
take exam
[teɪk ɪg'zæm]
take the third turning on the right
[teɪk ðə θə:d 'tə:nɪŋ ɔn ðə raɪt]
takeaway food
[takeaway fu:d]
take off
[teɪk ɔf]
take your pulse
take blood pressure
take your pulse
[teɪk jɔ:(r) pʌls]
take overdose
[teɪk 'əuvədəus]
take a long time
['teɪk ə lɔŋ tɑɪm]
take your time
[teɪk jɔ:(r) taɪm]
take back
[teɪk bæk]
take up sports
[teɪk ʌp spɔ:ts]
take a rest
[teɪk ə rɛst]
take medical leave
[teɪk 'mɛdəkl li:v]
takeaways /ready meals
[takeaways 'rɛdɪ mi:lz]
take an overdose
[teɪk ən 'əuvədəus]
[teɪk ə'weɪ]
take sb to court
[teɪk 'sʌmbədɪ tu kɔ:t]
take a leaf out of her book
[teɪk ə li:f aut ɔv hə:(r) buk]
take temperature
[teɪk 'tɛmprəʧə(r)]
take photographs at the event
taken away
take a gap year
[teɪk ə gæp jɪə(r)]
take a dislike to
[teɪk ə dɪs'laɪk tu]
take long views
take to drunk
[teɪk tu drʌŋk]
take to heart
[teɪk tu hɑ:t]
take a leap in the dark
[teɪk ə li:p ɪn ðə dɑ:k]
take turns
[teɪk tə:nz]
take shelter
[teɪk 'ʃɛltə(r)]
take charge of
take on responsibility
take over an company
[teɪk 'əuvə(r) ən 'kʌmpənɪ]
taking orders
['teɪkɪŋ 'ɔ:dərz]
take the word
[teɪk ðə wə:d]
take over from sb
[teɪk 'əuvə(r) frɔm 'sʌmbədɪ]
[teɪk gɛt]
take an examination
[teɪk æn ɪgzæmə'neɪʃən]
take for granted
[teɪk fɔ:(r) 'grɑ:ntɪd]
take pride
[teɪk praɪd]
take office
take the trouble
[teɪk ðə 'trʌbl]
take care of children
[teɪk kɛə(r) ɔv 'ʧɪldrən]
take the children to school
[teɪk ðə 'ʧɪldrən tu sku:l]
take the dog for a walk
[teɪk ðə dɔg fɔ:(r) ə wɔ:k]
take up a hobby
[teɪk ʌp ə 'hɔbɪ]
take the first turning on the left
[teɪk ðə fə:st 'tə:nɪŋ ɔn ðə lɛft]
take up sth
[teɪk ʌp 'sʌmθɪŋ]
take good care of yourself
[teɪk gud kɛə(r) ɔv jər'sɛlf]
take up exercise
[teɪk ʌp 'ɛksəsaɪz]
take one's blood pressure
['teɪk wʌn es blʌd preʃər]
take to be
[teɪk tu bi:]
take photographs
[teɪk 'fəutəgræfs]
take a photo
[teɪk ə 'fəutəu]
take a short cut
[teɪk ə ʃɔ:t kʌt]
Take the first turning on your left
[teɪk ðə fə:st 'tə:nɪŋ ɔn jɔ:(r) lɛft]
take photos
[teɪk 'fəutəuz]
take an intrest

"tak" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
taxi driver/cab driver
['tæksɪ 'draɪvə(r) kæb 'draɪvə(r)]
tak ... jak, taki ... jak
such a ...
[sʌʧ ə]
the same
[ðə seɪm]
in fact
[ɪn fækt]
it so happens
[ɪt səu 'hæpənz]
so kind as...
tak... jak...
such as
[sʌʧ æz]
as as
[æz æz]
That`s life!
[ðæts laɪf]
[səu kɔ:ld]
the same ...as
[ðə seɪm æz]
the same as
[ðə seɪm æz]
yes please
[jɛs pli:z]
that will do children
so youre ready at nine
the same way
[ðə seɪm weɪ]
Yeah. just one thing at a time
[jæ ʤʌst wʌn θɪŋ æt ə taɪm]
asap as soon as possible
as ... as
[æz æz]
I'm so sorry
[aɪm səu 'sɔrɪ]
as much
[æz mʌʧ]
as often as I can
as it happens
[æz ɪt 'hæpənz]
like this
[laɪk ðɪs]
so do i
[səu du: aɪ]
the same mistakes
tak (i) ....jak
the same... as
[ðə seɪm æz]
as... as
[æz ... æz]
taki... jak, tak... jak
so they say
[səu ðeɪ seɪ]
also, as well, too
['ɔ:lsəu æz wɛl tu:]
just as
[ʤʌst æz]
such a...
[sʌʧ ə ...]
such as...
[sʌʧ æz ...]
[səu səu]
so kind as
as hard as he could
do you?
[du: ju:]
for so long
[fɔ:(r) səu lɔ:ŋ]
as fast as I could
[æz fɑ:st æz aɪ kud]
as black as night
so hard
[səu hɑ:d]
so much
[səu mʌʧ]
such as
[sʌʧ æz]
think of
[θɪŋk ɔv]
so that
[səu ðæt]
so that i could do
the same colour
['tæksɪ 'draɪvə(r)]
by hook or by crook
[baɪ huk ɔ:(r) baɪ kruk]
so many
[səu 'mɛnɪ]
As though
[æz ðəu]
as though as you were...
as if you had done
as if I was...
[æz ɪf aɪ wɔz]
i though so
[aɪ ðəu səu]
like me
[laɪk mi:]
did you think so?
in the same way
as long as
[æz lɔ:ŋ æz]
such cases
[sʌʧ 'keɪsɪz]
such is life
[sʌʧ ɪz laɪf]
so quickly
i believe so
[aɪ bɪ'li:v səu]
the same as ever
[ðə seɪm æz 'ɛvə(r)]
just us or even more quickly
as well
[æz wɛl]
thus and thus
as well
[æz wɛl]
as well
[æz wɛl]
Yes but what
Yes a little bit

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