Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"trzeba" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
take the third turning on the right
[teɪk ðə θə:d 'tə:nɪŋ ɔn ðə raɪt]
take the first turning on the left
[teɪk ðə fə:st 'tə:nɪŋ ɔn ðə lɛft]
take the first turning on the right
[teɪk ðə fə:st 'tə:nɪŋ ɔn ðə raɪt]
needless to say
['ni:dlɪs tu seɪ]
take the second turning on the left
[teɪk ðə 'sɛkənd 'tə:nɪŋ ɔn ðə lɛft]
it is necessary to
one should
have to wait ages to be served
the batteries need replacing
That will take 10 minutes
ought to
[ɔ:t tu]
It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
Takes more than combat gear to make a man.
one must assume that...
Do I pay now or when I check out?
[du: aɪ peɪ nau ɔ:(r) wɛn aɪ ʧɛk aut]
We should call the police.
you have to hand it to sb
[ju: hæv tu hænd ɪt tu 'sʌmbədɪ]
needs to be addressed
[ni:dz tu bi: əd'rɛst]
seeing is believing
['si:ɪŋ ɪz bɪ'li:vɪŋ]
it must be handled with care
[ɪt mʌst bi: 'hændəld wɪð kɛə(r)]
admittedly said that
[æd'mɪtɪdlɪ sɛd ðæt]
Must-had to
[mʌst hæd tu]
you need to book well in advance
[ju: ni:d tu buk wɛl ɪn əd'vɑ:ns]
it's fair to say that
[it's fɛə(r) tu seɪ ðæt]
you should have told her
[ju: ʃud hæv təuld hə:(r)]
you should have come yesterday
[ju: ʃud hæv kʌm 'jɛstərdeɪ]
should one have
[ʃud wʌn hæv]
we should change the mindset of old people about children playing outdoors
[wi: ʃud ʧeɪnʤ ðə 'maɪndsɛt ɔv əuld 'pi:pl ə'baut 'ʧɪldrən 'pleɪɪŋ 'autdɔ:z]
it must be admit
[ɪt mʌst bi: əd'mɪt]
You need to take a bus.
[ju: ni:d tu teɪk ə bʌs]
You need to take a bus
[ju: ni:d tu teɪk ə bʌs]
You have to be young
[ju: hæv tu bi: jʌŋ]
Go past the bookshop and keep going straight on for about 100 meters.
[gəu pɑ:st ðə 'bukʃɔp ænd ki:p 'gəuɪŋ streɪt ɔn fɔ:(r) ə'baut 100 'mi:tərz]
need to prepare
[ni:d tu prɪ'pɛə(r)]
need to hope
[ni:d tu həup]
need to tend
[ni:d tu tɛnd]
need to be glued
[ni:d tu bi: glu:d]
This calls for a drink!
[ðɪs kɔ:lz fɔ:(r) ə drɪŋk]
Admittedly our motives differ
[æd'mɪtɪdlɪ 'auə(r) 'məutɪvz 'dɪfə(r)]
This will need to be taken to my superior
[ðɪs wɪl ni:d tu bi: 'teɪkən tu maɪ su'pɪərɪə(r)]
to be fair
[tu bi: fɛə(r)]
It must be dealt with soon
[ɪt mʌst bi: dɛlt wɪð su:n]

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