Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"więcej" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
more ... than
[mɔ:(r) ðæn]
any more
['ɛnɪ mɔ:(r)]
more money
more than necessary
more... than
[mɔ:(r) ... ðæn]
more than once
more space
more ... than
[mɔ:(r) ðæn]
more than enough
more job opportunities
[mɔ:(r) ʤɔb ɑpər'tu:nɪtɪz]
more than
[mɔ:(r) ðæn]
more and more
[mɔ:(r) ænd mɔ:(r)]
more freedom
for more than two weeks
[fɔ:(r) mɔ:(r) ðæn tju: wi:ks]
moe than an hour
more a part
more than that
[haɪ 'vɔlju:m]
confidence around the home
['kɔnfɪdəns ər'aund ðə həum]
worth more the longer you keep them
more details
[mɔ:(r) dɪ'teɪlz]
move more
[mu:v mɔ:(r)]
body of research
['bɔdɪ ɔv rɪ'sə:ʧ]
more than
[mɔ:(r) ðæn]
more operations than before
[mɔ:(r) ɑpər'eɪʃənz ðæn bɪ'fɔ:(r)]
more involved
[mɔ:(r) ɪn'vɔlvd]
Better luck next time!
['bɛtə(r) lʌk nɛkst taɪm]
more of stake
[mɔ:(r) ɔv steɪk]
any more
['ɛnɪ mɔ:(r)]
You wan't get more
[ju: wan't gɛt mɔ:(r)]
more than likely
[mɔ:(r) ðæn 'laɪklɪ]
move about in it
[mu:v ə'baut ɪn ɪt]
more money might not mean more happiness
[mɔ:(r) 'mʌnɪ maɪt nɔt mi:n mɔ:(r) 'hæpɪnɪs]
for more than a couple of minutes
[fɔ:(r) mɔ:(r) ðæn ə 'kʌpl ɔv 'mɪnəts]
More than 200 miles.
[mɔ:(r) ðæn 200 maɪlz]
You can find the info at this address
[ju: kæn faɪnd ðə 'ɪnfə æt ðɪs 'ædrɛs]
More children go to secondary modern schools which give a general but also more practical education
[mɔ:(r) 'ʧɪldrən gəu tu 'sɛkəndɛrɪ 'mɔdən sku:lz wɪʧ gɪv ə 'ʤɛnərəl bʌt 'ɔ:lsəu mɔ:(r) 'præktəkl ɛʤə'keɪʃən]
More children go to secondary modern schools which give a general but also more practical education
[mɔ:(r) 'ʧɪldrən gəu tu 'sɛkəndɛrɪ 'mɔdən sku:lz wɪʧ gɪv ə 'ʤɛnərəl bʌt 'ɔ:lsəu mɔ:(r) 'præktəkl ɛʤə'keɪʃən]
More wealth than mortal man can imagine.
[mɔ:(r) wɛlθ ðæn 'mɔ:tl mæn kæn ɪ'mæʤɪn]
any more (1)- more of something you've already had or got, Mostly used in questions and negative sentences or phrases.
['ɛnɪ mɔ:(r) 1 mɔ:(r) ɔv 'sʌmθɪŋ jju:v ɔ:l'rɛdɪ hæd ɔ:(r) gɔt 'məustlɪ jju:zd ɪn 'kwɛsʧənz ænd 'nɛgətɪv 'sɛntənsɪz ɔ:(r) 'freɪzəz]

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