Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
enquiry [enquiry] |
exploration [ɛksplə'reɪʃən] |
inquest ['ɪnkwɛst] |
inquir | |
inquiry [ɪn'kwaɪərɪ] |
investigation [ɪnvɛstɪ'geɪʃən] |
market research ['mɑ:kɪt 'ri:sərʧ] |
survey ['sə:veɪ] |
check up [ʧɛk ʌp] |
medical check-up ['mɛdəkl ʧɛk ʌp] |
dental check-up ['dɛntl ʧɛk ʌp] |
survey ['sə:veɪ] |
dental check-up ['dɛntl ʧɛk ʌp] |
crosschecking | |
checkup ['ʧɛkʌp] |
research scientist [rɪ'sə:ʧ 'saɪəntɪst] |
research [rɪ'sə:ʧ] |
opinion poll [ə'pɪnjən pəul] |
survey of sth [sər'veɪ ɔv 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
research on | |
research with [rɪ'sə:ʧ wɪð] |
study of sth ['stʌdɪ ɔv 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
research studies [rɪ'sə:ʧ 'stʌdɪz] |
clinical study (trial) ['klɪnəkl 'stʌdɪ 'traɪəl] |
do resarch info | |
medical check-up ['mɛdəkl ʧɛk ʌp] |
human pharmacology | |
terapeutic exploratory | |
therapeutic confirmatory | |
therapeutic use | |
open study | |
physical examination | |
blood test [blʌd tɛst] |
tests [tɛsts] |
research [rɪ'sə:ʧ] |
enquiry/inquiry | |
opinion polls [ə'pɪnjən pəulz] |
health check | |
anenatal | |
reserch | |
urine test ['jə:ən tɛst] |
survey ['sə:veɪ] |
check-up ['tʃek - ʌp] |
space exploration [speɪs ɛksplər'eɪʃən] |
enquiry [enquiry] |
check up [ʧɛk ʌp] |
survey ['sə:veɪ] |
survey ['sə:veɪ] |
antenatal | |
marketing research | |
research / researcher [rɪ'sə:ʧ 'ri:sərʧə(r)] |
probes [prəubz] |
examined [ɪg'zæmənd] |
medical examination ['mɛdəkl ɪgzæmɪ'neɪʃən] |
research shows | |
check-up [ʧɛk ʌp] |
research and development [rɪ'sə:ʧ ænd dɪ'vɛləpmənt] |
general screening | |
consumer research [kən'sju:mə(r) rɪ'sə:ʧ] |
consumer satisfaction questionnaire | |
research-work | |
the research shows | |
clinical trial ['klɪnəkl 'traɪəl] |
research into a brain | |
survey conducted in 23 countries | |
the government-commissioned survey [ðə 'gʌvərmənt kə'mɪʃənd sər'veɪ] |
opinion pool [ə'pɪnjən pu:l] |
checkup ['ʧɛkʌp] |
survey of its kind [sər'veɪ ɔv ɪts kaɪnd] |
examination [ɪgzæmɪ'neɪʃən] |
study/ survey of sth ['stʌdɪ sər'veɪ ɔv 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
antibody screening ['æntɪbɑdɪ 'skri:nɪŋ] |
searching ['sə:ʧɪŋ] |
survey of sth (2) [sər'veɪ ɔv 'sʌmθɪŋ 2] |
examination [ɪgzæmɪ'neɪʃən] |
scrutiny ['skru:tənɪ] |
ultrasound [ltrɪ'saund] |
survey [sər'veɪ] |
medical; dental check-up ['mɛdəkl 'dɛntl ʧɛk ʌp] |
survey [sər'veɪ] |
twin study [twɪn 'stʌdɪ] |
correlational study [correlational 'stʌdɪ] |
enquiry [enquiry] |
destructive testing [dɪs'trʌktɪv 'tɛstɪŋ] |
examination [ɪgzæmɪ'neɪʃən] |
fasting blood test ['fæstɪŋ blʌd tɛst] |
research [rɪ'sə:ʧ] |
survey [sər'veɪ] |
a study [ə 'stʌdɪ] |
research [rɪ'sə:ʧ] |
testing ['tɛstɪŋ] |
inquest ['ɪnkwɛst] |
survey [sər'veɪ] |
research [rɪ'sə:ʧ] |
research/study [rɪ'sə:ʧ 'stʌdɪ] |
research [rɪ'sə:ʧ] |
a poll [ə pəul] |
a survey [ə sər'veɪ] |
space exploration [speɪs ɛksplər'eɪʃən] |
scrutiny ['skru:tənɪ] |