Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
out [aut] |
outbalance | |
outbid ['autbɪd] |
outbreak ['autbreɪk] |
outburst ['autbəst] |
outcast ['autkæst] |
outcome ['autkʌm] |
outcry ['autkraɪ] |
outdo [aut'du:] |
outdoor ['autdɔ:(r)] |
outdoors ['autdɔ:z] |
outer ['autə(r)] |
outermost ['autərməust] |
outfit ['autfɪt] |
outgo ['autgəu] |
outgoing ['autgəuɪŋ] |
outgrow [aut'grəu] |
outgrowth ['autgrəuθ] |
outing ['autɪŋ] |
outlandish [aut'lændɪʃ] |
outlaw ['autlɔ:] |
outlay ['autleɪ] |
outlet ['autlɛt] |
outline ['autlaɪn] |
outlive [aut'lɪv] |
outlook ['autluk] |
outlying ['autlaɪɪŋ] |
outmost | |
outnumber [aut'nʌmbə(r)] |
outofdate | |
outofdoors | |
outoftheway | |
outpatient ['autpeɪʃənt] |
outpatients | |
outpost ['autpəust] |
outpour [aut'pɔ:(r)] |
output ['autput] |
outrage ['autreɪʤ] |
outrageous [aut'reɪʤəs] |
outride | |
outright ['autraɪt] |
outrun [aut'rʌn] |
outs [auts] |
outsell [aut'sɛl] |
outset ['autsɛt] |
outside [aut'saɪd] |
outsider [aut'saɪdə(r)] |
outskirts ['autskə:ts] |
outspoken ['autspəukən] |
outspread [outspread] |
outstanding [aut'stændɪŋ] |
outstretch [aut'strɛʧ] |
outstrip [aut'strɪp] |
outvote [aut'vəut] |
outward ['autwərd] |
outwards ['autwərdz] |
outweigh ['autweɪ] |
outwit ['autwɪt] |
outwork | |
outworn [outworn] |
out of [aut ɔv] |
out of fashion [aut ɔv 'fæʃən] |
out of order [aut ɔv 'ɔ:də(r)] |
out of the blue [aut ɔv ðə blu:] |
outside of [aut'saɪd ɔv] |
out of the ordinary [aut ɔv ðə 'ɔ:dnrɪ] |
outright ['autraɪt] |
outdoor (s) ['autdɔ:(r) ɛs] |
out of door [aut ɔv dɔ:(r)] |
outward (s) ['autwərd ɛs] |
outback ['autbæk] |
outskirts ['autskə:ts] |
out of season [aut ɔv 'si:zn] |
outlast ['autlɑ:st] |
outstretched [aut'strɛʧt] |
outrageous [aut'reɪʤəs] |
outrigger ['autrɪgə(r)] |
out of the car | |
out of sheer curiosity [aut ɔv ʃɪr kjuərɪ'ɔsɪtɪ] |
out of shape [aut ɔv ʃeɪp] |
out of work [aut ɔv wə:k] |
out of place [aut ɔv pleɪs] |
out of stock [aut ɔv stɔk] |
out of date [aut ɔv deɪt] |
out of tune [aut ɔv tju:n] |
outcome of ['autkʌm ɔv] |
outer space ['autə(r) speɪs] |
out of office [aut ɔv 'ɔfɪs] |
out of wedlock | |
out-patient [aut 'peɪʃnt] |
outfit ['autfɪt] |
out of the frying pan into the fire [aut ɔv ðə 'fraɪɪŋ pæn 'ɪntu ðə 'faɪə(r)] |
outburst of anger ['autbəst ɔv 'æŋgə(r)] |
outburst of energy | |
out of favour [aut ev feɪvə] |
out of the woods | |
output devices | |
out of memory | |
out of paper | |
outlan |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
outs [auts] |
przedstawiać coś | |
old-fashioned [əuld 'fæʃənd] |
unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl] |
contract out | |
outta ['u:tə] |
business process outsourcing ['bɪznəs 'prɔsɛs aut'sɔ:sɪŋ] |
to sleep under the stars | |
outlaw ['autlɔ:] |
extrovert ['ɛkstrəvə:t] |
obsolete ['ɔbsɪli:t] |
beyond [bɪ'ɔnd] |
external [ɛks'tə:nl] |