Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"without" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
without job
without frills
without delay
[wɪ'θaut dɪ'leɪ]
without leaving home
[wɪ'θaut 'li:vɪŋ həum]
without attempting to analyse this too deeply
without wishing to cause any offence
without doubt
[wɪ'θaut daut]
without hesitating
without exception
[wɪ'θaut ɪk'sɛpʃən]
without a shadow of a doubt
without her
without each other
without glasses
[wɪ'θaut 'glæsɪz]
without notice
[wɪ'θaut 'nəutəs]
without prejudice to
without the need to see a GP
without a second thought
without revealing
without hesitation
[wɪ'θaut hɛzə'teɪʃən]
withouta cause
without stopping
without a struggle
[wɪ'θaut ə 'strʌgl]
without a plate
[wɪ'θaut ə pleɪt]
without a passport
without forcing them
without permission
[wɪ'θaut pər'mɪʃən]
without any makeup on
[wɪ'θaut 'ɛnɪ 'meɪkʌp ɔn]
without a hause in sight
without regard to race
without further warnings
[wɪ'θaut 'fə:ðə(r) 'wɔ:nɪŋz]
without fail
[wɪ'θaut feɪl]
without qualifying our opinion
without saing goodbye to her
without any cultural packaging
without even thinking
without remorse
[wɪ'θaut rɪ'mɔ:s]
without anybody's consent
[wɪ'θaut anybody's kən'sɛnt]
without intending
[wɪ'θaut ɪn'tɛndɪŋ]
without a blink
[wɪ'θaut ə blɪŋk]
without further delay
[wɪ'θaut 'fə:ðə(r) dɪ'leɪ]
without curtains
[wɪ'θaut 'kə:tnz]
without warning
[wɪ'θaut 'wɔ:nɪŋ]
without meat
[wɪ'θaut mi:t]
without resort to...
[wɪ'θaut rɪ'zɔ:t tu]
without ice
[wɪ'θaut aɪs]
without potatoes
[wɪ'θaut pə'teɪtəuz]
without ducts
[wɪ'θaut dʌkts]
without (nazwa czegoś)
[wɪ'θaut nazwa czegoś]
without surprises
[wɪ'θaut sərp'raɪzɪz]
without charge
[wɪ'θaut ʧɑ:ʤ]
without exaggeration
[wɪ'θaut ɪgzæʤə'reɪʃən]
without of purport
[wɪ'θaut ɔv pə:'pɔ:t]
Without sense of humour
[wɪ'θaut sɛns ɔv hju:mə(r)]
without all the unnecessary formalities
[wɪ'θaut ɔ:l ðə ʌn'nɛsəsɛrɪ fɔ:r'mælɪtɪz]
without prior notice
[wɪ'θaut 'praɪə(r) 'nəutəs]
without altering
[wɪ'θaut 'ɔ:ltərɪŋ]
without any particular reason
[wɪ'θaut 'ɛnɪ pər'tɪkjulə(r) 'ri:zn]
without parallel
[wɪ'θaut 'pɛrəlɛl]
without needing to
[wɪ'θaut 'ni:dɪŋ tu]
without thinking
[wɪ'θaut 'θɪŋkɪŋ]
without harm
[wɪ'θaut hɑ:m]
without water
[wɪ'θaut 'wɔ:tə(r)]
Without warning something hit him from under the water. It was a 6-metre-long white shark.
[wɪ'θaut 'wɔ:nɪŋ 'sʌmθɪŋ hɪt hɪm frɔm 'ʌndə(r) ðə 'wɔ:tə(r) ɪt wɔz ə 6 metre lɔ:ŋ waɪt ʃɑ:k]
without value
[wɪ'θaut 'vælju:]
without asking permission
[wɪ'θaut 'ɑ:skɪŋ pər'mɪʃən]
without knocking
[wɪ'θaut 'nɔkɪŋ]
without any opportunity
[wɪ'θaut 'ɛnɪ ɔpə'tju:nɪtɪ]
without a doubt
[wɪ'θaut ə daut]
without tax
[wɪ'θaut tæks]
without noticing
[wɪ'θaut 'nəutɪsɪŋ]
without a second thought
[wɪ'θaut ə 'sɛkənd θɔ:t]
without beating around the bush
[wɪ'θaut 'bi:tɪŋ ər'aund ðə buʃ]
without feeling guilty about it
[wɪ'θaut 'fi:lɪŋ 'gɪltɪ ə'baut ɪt]
without light
[wɪ'θaut laɪt]
without taking public opinion into consideration
[wɪ'θaut 'teɪkɪŋ 'pʌblɪk ə'pɪnjən 'ɪntu kənsɪdə'reɪʃən]
without the use of temperature sensors
[wɪ'θaut ðə ju:s ɔv 'tɛmprəʧə(r) 'sɛnsərz]

"without" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
off the top of one's head
in bare feet
[ɪn bɛə(r) fi:t]
destitute (destitution)
['dɛstɪtju:t 'dɛstɪtju:ʃən]

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