Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
depth [dɛpθ] |
deeply ['di:plɪ] |
deep in thought [di:p ɪn θɔ:t] |
i'm firmly belive | |
I am firmly belive | |
active layer | |
knee deep | |
deep set eyes | |
depht | |
depth of cut | |
deeply hurt ['di:plɪ hə:t] |
isobaths | |
deeply moved ['di:plɪ mju:vd] |
deep-set [di:p sɛt] |
deeply divided ['di:plɪ dɪ'vaɪdəd] |
deeply moved by the bishop's words ['di:plɪ mju:vd baɪ ðə 'bɪʃəps wə:dz] |
deeply moving ['di:plɪ 'mu:vɪŋ] |
to love deeply | |
depth [dɛpθ] |
deep-rooted [di:p 'rju:təd] |
bitterly disappointed ['bɪtəlɪ dɪsə'pɔɪntɪd] |
bitterly resentful ['bɪtəlɪ rɪ'zɛntfəl] |
deeply offended ['di:plɪ ə'fɛndəd] |
deeply grateful ['di:plɪ 'greɪtful] |
deeply ['di:plɪ] |
entrenched [en'trɛnʧt] |
deep in the interior of country [di:p ɪn ðə ɪn'tɪərɪə(r) ɔv 'kʌntrɪ] |
The depth of the swimming pool is 2 m. [ðə dɛpθ ɔv ðə 'swɪmɪŋ pu:l ɪz 2 ɛm] |
deeply in love with his teacher ['di:plɪ ɪn lʌv wɪð hɪz 'ti:ʧə(r)] |
buried deep ['bɛrɪd di:p] |
deep down [di:p daun] |
deep in debt [di:p ɪn dɛt] |
gutted ['gʌtɪd] |
deeply ['di:plɪ] |
dept of foundation [dept ɔv faun'deɪʃən] |
deep [di:p] |
information depth [ɪnfər'meɪʃən dɛpθ] |
associate depth with [ə'səusɪɪt dɛpθ wɪð] |
sleep soundly [sli:p 'saundlɪ] |
deeply engaging ['di:plɪ ɪn'geɪʤɪŋ] |
deep rooting [di:p 'rju:tɪŋ] |
profoundly retarded children [prə'faundlɪ rɪ'tɑ:dɪd 'ʧɪldrən] |