Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"jestem" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
I am sad
my bank account is in the black
am was
am able was able have been able
[æm 'eɪbl wɔz 'eɪbl hæv bɪ:n 'eɪbl]
I am from ...
[aɪ æm frɔm]
Jestem z ...
I am late.
[aɪ æm leɪt]
I am divorced.
[aɪ æm dɪ'vɔ:st]
I am in a bad mood.
am was have been
[æm wɔz hæv bɪ:n]
I am fluent in English
Im a little busy
[ɪm ə 'lɪtl 'bɪzɪ]
I am ill
I can't be bothered
[aɪ kænt bi: 'bɔðə(r)d]
I am of the same opinion.
[aɪ æm ɔv ðə seɪm ə'pɪnjən]
I'm a boy
[aɪm ə bɔɪ]
I am a girl
[aɪ æm ə gə:l]
I am a boy
I am used to
[aɪ æm 'ju:stu]
I am disappointed/disapointyd/.
[aɪ æm dɪsə'pɔɪntɪd disapointyd]
I am angry with you
I am confident
[aɪ æm 'kɔnfɪdənt]
I am excited
I am on a blacklist.
[aɪ æm ɔn ə 'blæklɪst]
I'm allergic to
[aɪm ə'lə:ʤɪk tu]
I'm used to eating pizza
I'm tired
[aɪm 'taɪəd]
I'm very grateful to you
[aɪm 'vɛrɪ 'greɪtful tu ju:]
I'm against it!
[aɪm ə'gɛnst ɪt]
I'm convinced that...
[aɪm kən'vɪnst ðæt]
I have a cold.
[aɪ hæv ə kəuld]
I am responsible for
[aɪ æm rɪs'pɔnsɪbl fɔ:(r)]
I am in charge of
[aɪ æm ɪn ʧɑ:ʤ ɔv]
I am cautious in my dealings with sb
I'm hungry
[aɪm 'hʌŋgrɪ]
I'm from Poland
[aɪm frɔm 'pəulənd]
I'm in computers
[aɪm ɪn kəm'pju:tərz]
i'm at home
[aɪm æt həum]
I'm pleased with
[aɪm pli:zd wɪð]
I have been
[aɪ hæv bɪ:n]
I am little bit reserved about
I'm ready to go
I'm sure I packed it
I'm rather cautious about predicting my career.
I'm quite ill
I'm sure
[aɪm ʃuə(r)]
proud of
[praud ɔv]
I mad at
I am interested in
[aɪ æm 'ɪntrɪstəd ɪn]
I am at university
i am good at cooking
[aɪ æm gud æt 'kukɪŋ]
I'm a bit down/ uspet/ worried
I am hungry
I am from Poland
[aɪ æm frɔm 'pəulənd]
I'm hungry.
[aɪm 'hʌŋgrɪ]
I am a teacher
[aɪ æm ə 'ti:ʧə(r)]
I'm a bit short of cash
[aɪm ə bɪt ʃɔ:t ɔv kæʃ]
I'm good at English
[aɪm gud æt 'ɪŋglɪʃ]
i am unemployed now
i am wonder
i am ashamed of my life
[aɪ æm ə'ʃeɪmd ɔv maɪ laɪf]
I'm starving
[aɪm 'stɑ:vɪŋ]
I'm glad I made the right choice
IOU- I owe you
[aɪəu'ju: aɪ əu ju:]
I m sure you will reach your goal..
I'm glad to be back
[aɪm glæd tu bi: bæk]
I'm sick
[aɪm sɪk]
I'm hopeless at swimming
[aɪm 'həuplɪs æt 'swɪmɪŋ]
I'm rather tied up at the moment. Could you call back later?
I am very busy
[aɪ æm 'vɛrɪ 'bɪzɪ]
I'm sure it's better to
I'm exhausted.
[aɪm ɪg'zɔstəd]
I'm Micky
[aɪm 'mɪkɪ]
I'm of a similar opinion
[aɪm ɔv ə 'sɪmɪlə(r) ə'pɪnjən]
I'm very disappointed
[aɪm 'vɛrɪ dɪsə'pɔɪntɪd]
I am so disappointed!
I'm in ...now
I'm an expert in...
I'm punctual
I'm available
i'm really axcited
i'm new here
I ' m Micky.
I am very hard-working/confident/cooperative which makes me an ideal candidate fo this job.
I'm of a totaly different opinion
I feel rather excited about it
[aɪ fi:l 'ræðə(r) ɪk'saɪtəd ə'baut ɪt]
i am ready for love
i am all alone
I'm really happy that
[aɪm 'rɪlɪ 'hæpɪ ðæt]
I'm a keen photographer
I'm single
[aɪm 'sɪŋgl]
I'm not married
I'm very tired.
I`m ready
[aɪm 'rɛdɪ]
I'm polish
[aɪm 'pɔlɪʃ]
I'm in the third year of medical school
I'm worried that my son will get hurt because he's not wearing a helmet.
I'm worried that my son will get hurt because he's not wearing a helmet.
I'm fortunate
[aɪm 'fɔ:ʧənɪt]

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