Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"naprawdę" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
I do speak English
[aɪ du: spi:k 'ɪŋglɪʃ]
I do like this book
[aɪ du: laɪk ðɪs buk]
Oh really?
is that right?
do you really mean it?
[du: ju: 'rɪlɪ mi:n ɪt]
is that so?
[ɪz ðæt səu]
I'm really sorry I didn't mean to scare you
really cool
jet black
I'm really sorry
[aɪm 'rɪlɪ 'sɔrɪ]
really enjoy
['rɪlɪ e'nʤɔɪ]
it's hard to say, really
[ɪts hɑ:d tu seɪ 'rɪlɪ]
do you?
[du: ju:]
I really feel that
[aɪ 'rɪlɪ fi:l ðæt]
Oh really? That's great/awful
[əu 'rɪlɪ ðæts greɪt 'ɔfəl]
a real shock
Than you very much indeed.
we really missed you
I don't really know how to handle this problem.
[aɪ dəunt 'rɪlɪ nəu hau tu 'hændl ðɪs 'prɔbləm]
did it?
really?I didn'tknow that!
i can't really
[aɪ kænt 'rɪlɪ]
you really have to hurry
[ju: 'rɪlɪ hæv tu 'hʌrɪ]
I really can't afford it
I really appreciate it
[aɪ 'rɪlɪ ə'pri:ʃɪeɪt ɪt]
I'm really looking forward to going on holiday
Oh really? That sounds nice.
really weird
['rɪlɪ wɪrd]
in soothe
relly like
I really hate
[aɪ 'rɪlɪ heɪt]
Oh, really? Only good things I hope.
really childish
really spectacular
I'm really keen on gardening
[aɪm 'rɪlɪ ki:n ɔn 'gɑ:dənɪŋ]
have a vale of a time
[hæv ə veɪl ɔv ə taɪm]
I really couldn't delay any longer
[aɪ 'rɪlɪ couldn't dɪ'leɪ 'ɛnɪ 'lɔ:ŋgə(r)]
I'm really interested in
[aɪm 'rɪlɪ 'ɪntrɪstəd ɪn]
It's really
[It's 'rɪlɪ]
Thank you very much indeed
[θæŋk ju: 'vɛrɪ mʌʧ ɪn'di:d]
I got really scared when the light went off
[aɪ gɔt 'rɪlɪ skɛrd wɛn ðə laɪt wɛnt ɔf]
I really enjoyed spending time with you
[aɪ 'rɪlɪ e'nʤɔɪd 'spɛndɪŋ taɪm wɪð ju:]
I really enjoyed the party
[aɪ 'rɪlɪ e'nʤɔɪd ðə 'pɑ:tɪ]
I really love doing
[aɪ 'rɪlɪ lʌv 'dju:ɪŋ]
I really hate doing something
[aɪ 'rɪlɪ heɪt 'dju:ɪŋ 'sʌmθɪŋ]
I really like swimming
[aɪ 'rɪlɪ laɪk 'swɪmɪŋ]
in fact
[ɪn fækt]
Oh really?
[əu 'rɪlɪ]
I do apologize for that.
[aɪ du: ə'pɔləʤaɪz fɔ:(r) ðæt]
I really enjoyed Italy last month, but I won't go there again next year.
[aɪ 'rɪlɪ e'nʤɔɪd 'ɪtəlɪ lɑ:st mʌnθ bʌt aɪ wəunt gəu ðɛə(r) ə'gɛn nɛkst jɪə(r)]
Really? Congratulations
['rɪlɪ kəngrætju'leɪʃənz]
I'm really sorry, but I can't. I'm (+ ing)
[I'm 'rɪlɪ 'sɔrɪ bʌt aɪ can't I'm ɪŋ]
i do hope you will come
[aɪ du: həup ju: wɪl kʌm]
I really don't know
[aɪ 'rɪlɪ don't nəu]
really important
['rɪlɪ ɪm'pɔ:tnt]
it really suits you
[ɪt 'rɪlɪ sju:ts ju:]
I'm really against it
[I'm 'rɪlɪ ə'gɛnst ɪt]
Nice one
[naɪs wʌn]
nothing short of
['nʌθɪŋ ʃɔ:t ɔv]
I was really impressed by it.
[aɪ wɔz 'rɪlɪ ɪm'prɛst baɪ ɪt]
I'd really recommend it.
[I'd 'rɪlɪ rɛkə'mɛnd ɪt]
I really think that we have to investigate where these blind spots are leading.
[aɪ 'rɪlɪ θɪŋk ðæt wi: hæv tu ɪn'vɛstɪgeɪt wɛə(r) ði:z blaɪnd spɔts ɑ:(r) 'li:dɪŋ]
really glad to see you
['rɪlɪ glæd tu si: ju:]
truly offensive
['tru:lɪ ə'fɛnsɪv]
i really can't agree with you there
[aɪ 'rɪlɪ can't ə'gri: wɪð ju: ðɛə(r)]
truly upset
['tru:lɪ ʌp'sɛt]
We really liked our presents.
[wi: 'rɪlɪ laɪkt 'auə(r) 'prɛzənts]
I'm really sorry about forgetting your birthday
[I'm 'rɪlɪ 'sɔrɪ ə'baut fər'gɛtɪŋ jɔ:(r) 'bə:θdeɪ]
I'm really looking forward to hearing you again
[I'm 'rɪlɪ 'lukɪŋ 'fɔ:wəd tu 'hɪərɪŋ ju: ə'gɛn]
Really? I don't think so.
['rɪlɪ aɪ dəunt θɪŋk səu]
really dreadful
['rɪlɪ 'drɛdful]
truly fascinating
['tru:lɪ 'fæsɪneɪtɪŋ]
I really liked
[aɪ 'rɪlɪ laɪkt]
I'm really looking forwards to the party
[aɪm 'rɪlɪ 'lukɪŋ 'fɔ:wədz tu ðə 'pɑ:tɪ]
I really care for Beth.
[ɑ:(r) ju: tə'gɛðə(r) wi:r ə 'kʌpl]
Really happy to find that you are satisfied with the greenhouse.
['rɪlɪ 'hæpɪ tu faɪnd ðæt ju: ɑ:(r) 'sætɪsfaɪd wɪð ðə 'gri:nhaus]
really well
['rɪlɪ wɛl]
I did see you
[aɪ dɪd si: ju:]
Oh, is she?
[əu ɪz ʃi:]
you really need to curb your spending
[ju: 'rɪlɪ ni:d tu kə:b jɔ:(r) 'spɛndɪŋ]

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