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"nasze" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
our opinions differ in that I consider
['auə(r) ə'pɪnjunz 'dɪfə(r) ɪn ðæt aɪ kən'sɪdə(r)]
Our office above the hairdresser's
Our office is above the hairdresser's.
our house is large
our baby like cuddly tous
our radio
['auə(r) 'reɪdɪəu]
our toys
['auə(r) tɔɪz]
Our luggage has not flown in with us.
Our lives are about to change.I'm pregnant!
our town
['auə(r) taun]
Our assumptions can be completely wrong because they're based on no evidence at all.
['auə(r) ə'sʌmpʃənz kæn bi: kəm'pli:tlɪ rɔŋ bɪ'kɔ:z they're beɪst ɔn nəu 'ɛvɪdəns æt ɔ:l]
Our opinion are often shaped by TV
['auə(r) ə'pɪnjən ɑ:(r) 'ɔ:fən ʃeɪpt baɪ 'ti:vi:]
Our efforts ended in deadlock
['auə(r) 'ɛfərts 'ɛndəd ɪn 'dɛdlɔk]
We are not on very good terms and don't speak to each other
[wi: ɑ:(r) nɔt ɔn 'vɛrɪ gud tə:mz ænd don't spi:k tu i:ʧ 'ʌðə(r)]
Ours are not so bright
['auərz ɑ:(r) nɔt səu braɪt]
our effort are futile
['auə(r) 'ɛfərt ɑ:(r) 'fju:taɪl]
our children receive education
['auə(r) 'ʧɪldrən rɪ'si:v ɛʤə'keɪʃən]
our ideas
['auə(r) aɪ'di:əz]
Our records show
['auə(r) rɪ'kɔ:dz ʃəu]
Our books are boring
['auə(r) buks ɑ:(r) 'bɔ:rɪŋ]
AD / Anna Domini
[æd 'ænə 'dɔmɪnɪ]
Our family trees.
['auə(r) 'fæməlɪ tri:z]
Our province is the furthest from Germany
['auə(r) 'prɔvəns ɪz ðə 'fə:θɪst frɔm 'ʤə:mənɪ]
our files and personal data
['auə(r) faɪlz ænd 'pə:sɪnl 'deɪtə]
our digital documents and information about us
['auə(r) 'dɪʤətl 'dɔkjumənts ænd ɪnfər'meɪʃən ə'baut ʌs]
Our meeting was fate
['auə(r) 'mi:tɪŋ wɔz feɪt]
Our last meeting was on Friday.
['auə(r) lɑ:st 'mi:tɪŋ wɔz ɔn 'fraɪdeɪ]
our lives
['auə(r) lɪvz]
Our flat is a little bit cold in winter
['auə(r) flæt ɪz ə 'lɪtl bɪt kəuld ɪn 'wɪntə(r)]
Our desire for a cleaner environment may never be fulfilled
['auə(r) dɪ'zaɪə(r) fɔ:(r) ə 'kli:nə(r) ɪn'vaɪərnmənt meɪ 'nɛvə(r) bi: ful'fɪld]
Our meeting has been brought forward from next week to this week
['auə(r) 'mi:tɪŋ hæz bɪ:n brɔ:t 'fɔ:wəd frɔm nɛkst wi:k tu ðɪs wi:k]
our supplies have dwindled
['auə(r) sɪp'laɪz hæv 'dwɪndəld]
our processes are repeatable
['auə(r) 'prɔsesɪz ɑ:(r) rɪ'pi:təbl]
our children haven't been raised in that line
['auə(r) 'ʧɪldrən 'hævənt bɪ:n reɪzd ɪn ðæt laɪn]

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