Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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"było" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
to było

"było" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
it was worth doing it
It was
[ɪt wɔz]
would be
[wud bi:]
I was happy
i would be delighted to attend
[aɪ wud bi: dɪ'laɪtəd tu ə'tɛnd]
was a part of my life experience
I was really pleased
[aɪ wɔz 'rɪlɪ pli:zd]
I'd be grateful if you could
I would be grateful if you could...
it was canceled
that would be great
[ðæt wud bi: greɪt]
we had a lovely/ awful time
the food was scarce
[ðə fu:d wɔz skɛəs]
That would be lovely, thank you.
[ðæt wud bi: 'lʌvlɪ θæŋk ju:]
It was listed under 'seafood'
There was terrible confusion.
[ðɛə(r) wɔz 'tɛrɪbl kən'fju:ʒən]
It was quiet until the children came home.
It was difficult to clean the floor until I replaced my broom.
It was difficult to clean the floor until I replaced my broom.
water was scarce
would by nice
it wos fun while it losted
there were fewer posters than the first time
We would be pleased to
[wi: wud bi: pli:zd tu]
It'd be better if
[It'd bi: 'bɛtə(r) ɪf]
It was out of this world
[ɪt wɔz aut ɔv ðɪs wə:ld]
It went great.
[ɪt wɛnt greɪt]
It went terribly.
[ɪt wɛnt 'tɛrəblɪ]
It was freezing so I wrapped up warm
[ɪt wɔz 'fri:zɪŋ səu aɪ ræpt ʌp wɔ:m]
It would be very nice to go with you to the theatre but I can't because I have more duties.
[ɪt wud bi: 'vɛrɪ naɪs tu gəu wɪð ju: tu ðə 'θi:ətə(r) bʌt aɪ can't bɪ'kɔ:z aɪ hæv mɔ:(r) 'dju:tɪz]
you would better do it (you would / you'd)
[ju: wud 'bɛtə(r) du: ɪt ju: wud jju:d]
It was late so I took a taxi
[ɪt wɔz leɪt səu aɪ tuk ə 'tæksɪ]
it would help
[ɪt wud hɛlp]
it was expensive and there was little choice
[ɪt wɔz ɪk'spɛnsɪv ænd ðɛə(r) wɔz 'lɪtl ʧɔɪs]
that would be nice
[ðæt wud bi: naɪs]
I felt uncomfortable because I couldn't stretch my legs
[aɪ fɛlt ʌn'kʌmfətəbl bɪ'kɔ:z aɪ couldn't strɛʧ maɪ lɛgz]
That would be great.
[ðæt wud bi: greɪt]
that would be nice of you
[ðæt wud bi: naɪs ɔv ju:]
It was so hot in the room that she fainted
[ɪt wɔz səu hɔt ɪn ðə ru:m ðæt ʃi: 'feɪntɪd]
you had better
[ju: hæd 'bɛtə(r)]
It's unjustifiable to say that...
[It's nʤstɪ'faɪəbl tu seɪ ðæt]
There were lots of deer tracks in that meadow, but no human footprints
[ðɛə(r) wə:(r) lɔts ɔv dɪə(r) træks ɪn ðæt 'mɛdəu bʌt nəu 'hju:mən 'futprɪnts]
It was good to hear from you.
[ɪt wɔz gud tu hɪə(r) frɔm ju:]
It would be lovely to see you.
[ɪt wud bi: 'lʌvlɪ tu si: ju:]
He felt sick as if he was going to throw up
[hi: fɛlt sɪk æz ɪf hi: wɔz 'gəuɪŋ tu θrəu ʌp]
It was so freezing outside that we decided to stay in.
[ɪt wɔz səu 'fri:zɪŋ aut'saɪd ðæt wi: dɪ'saɪdɪd tu steɪ ɪn]
there were fewer people than last time
[ðɛə(r) wə:(r) 'fju:ə(r) 'pi:pl ðæn lɑ:st taɪm]
He was sorry for his bad behaviour
[hi: wɔz 'sɔrɪ fɔ:(r) hɪz bæd behaviour]
it would be too late
[ɪt wud bi: tu: leɪt]
It was good to hear from you.
[ɪt wɔz gud tu hɪə(r) frɔm ju:]
it would be nice
[ɪt wud bi: naɪs]
There were some rolls there but I didn't buy any.
[ðɛə(r) wə:(r) sʌm rəulz ðɛə(r) bʌt aɪ didn't baɪ 'ɛnɪ]
It has been observed that
[ɪt hæz bɪ:n əb'zə:vd ðæt]
it was late
[ɪt wɔz leɪt]
It was good to hear from you.
[ɪt wɔz gud tu hɪə(r) frɔm ju:]
It would be great, but unfortunately I won't be able to make it next weekend.
[ɪt wud bi: greɪt bʌt ən'fɔ:ʧənətlɪ aɪ won't bi: 'eɪbl tu meɪk ɪt nɛkst 'wi:kɛnd]
It would be great if you could
[ɪt wud bi: greɪt ɪf ju: kud]
It would be best for you to leave
[ɪt wud bi: bɛst fɔ:(r) ju: tu li:v]
It would be nice if you helped me
[ɪt wud bi: naɪs ɪf ju: hɛlpt mi:]
it has already been answered
[ɪt hæz ɔ:l'rɛdɪ bɪ:n 'ænsərd]
It would be nice if you helped me with the housework.
[ɪt wud bi: naɪs ɪf ju: hɛlpt mi: wɪð ðə 'hauswə:k]
It was good to hear from you?
[ɪt wɔz gud tu hɪə(r) frɔm ju:]
it was about five PM
[ɪt wɔz ə'baut faɪv 'pi:ɛm]
It was dark, and I was afraid.
[ɪt wɔz dɑ:k ænd aɪ wɔz ə'freɪd]
It was very sunny, as usual.
[ɪt wɔz 'vɛrɪ 'sʌnɪ æz 'jju:ʒəwəl]
It was very cold.
[ɪt wɔz 'vɛrɪ kəuld]
It was dark, and I was afraid.
[ɪt wɔz dɑ:k ænd aɪ wɔz ə'freɪd]
It was very late.
[ɪt wɔz 'vɛrɪ leɪt]
that was a close one
[ðæt wɔz ə kləus wʌn]
it was obvious a storm was coming in
[ɪt wɔz 'ɔbvɪəs ə stɔ:m wɔz 'kʌmɪŋ ɪn]
it would be a real shame if something were to happen to them
[ɪt wud bi: ə riəl ʃeɪm ɪf 'sʌmθɪŋ wə:(r) tu 'hæpən tu ðɛm]
it was nothing short of a disaster
[ɪt wɔz 'nʌθɪŋ ʃɔ:t ɔv ə dɪ'zæstə(r)]
I was tasty
[aɪ wɔz 'teɪstɪ]
That was a close call
[ðæt wɔz ə kləus kɔ:l]
It was a real slap in the face when the bank...
[ɪt wɔz ə riəl slæp ɪn ðə feɪs wɛn ðə bæŋk]
that would be remarkably foolish
[ðæt wud bi: rɪ'mɑ:kəblɪ 'fu:lɪʃ]

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