Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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"gdy" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
hesheit -es gdy czasownik konczy sie na -x-ch-o-s-
PREHISTORIA konczy się gdy

"gdy" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
as soon as
[æz su:n æz]
but for
[bʌt fɔ:(r)]
If you need anything just grab it
If you need to use that give Lorna a call
if I were you
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ju:]
If only
[ɪf 'əunlɪ]
if only I had done it!
if only I would do it
If it were up to me...
if I had my way
If I stayed I'd be so much happier
[ɪf aɪ steɪd aɪd bi: səu mʌʧ 'hæpɪə(r)]
if you jumped into
as soon as
[æz su:n æz]
If only I had known
[ɪf 'əunlɪ aɪ hæd nəun]
If I were in your shoes
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ɪn jɔ:(r) ʃu:z]
Whenever I answer the phone
when you cried i do wipe away all of your tears
[wɛn ju: kraɪd aɪ du: waɪp ə'weɪ ɔ:l ɔv jɔ:(r) tɛrz]
when you screamd i do fight away all your fears
if I were in your position
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ɪn jɔ:(r) pə'zɪʃən]
if i could affort it
If it weren't for your help
If were you, I would
If I hadn't worn my helmet, I would have hurt my head.
[ɪf aɪ 'hædənt wɔ:n maɪ 'hɛlmɪt aɪ wud hæv hə:t maɪ hɛd]
If he hadn't brought his dog to work , everyone would be working.
IF I had studied for my exam , I would have passed it.
If the tomatoes had been ripe instead of rotten I would have made a sauce for pasta.
If the tomatoes had been ripe instead of rotten I would have made a sauce for pasta.
If the weather had been good last week , we would have gone swimming in the lake.
It the tomatoes had been ripe instead of rotten , I would have made a sauce for pasta.
If I had more money , I could donate some. Unfortunately , I don't have any.
If I were free next week , I would help.
If he had a car ,he wouldn't be walking to work.
If we had a map , we wouldn't be lost.
If he had something to read ,he wouldn't be bored.
If he had more coffee , he would drink it.
[ɪf hi: hæd mɔ:(r) 'kɔfɪ hi: wud drɪŋk ɪt]
If they had umbrellas , they wouldn't be wet.
[ɪf ðeɪ hæd əm'brɛləz ðeɪ 'wudənt bi: wɛt]
If I had room in my backpack , I would carry your camera. Unfortunately , I don't.
If I had room in my backpack I would carry your camera. Unfortunately , I don't.
When I was young,I could stay up late at weekends if I promised to be good.
If only she'd come
If I didn't ,school wouldn't be fun.
If you phoned/rang me up tomorrow, I would know all the answers
If I had a lot of money, I would go for a trip around the world.
If I were younger I'd get that job.
If I were you I would never buy this CD.
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ju: aɪ wud 'nɛvə(r) baɪ ðɪs 'si:di:]
If I had met Susan last week I would have given her the book.
If you had come earlier I wouldn't have had to wait for you so long.
If she had known that she wouldn't have done that.
If I didn't school wouldn't be fun.
If I had more room in my suitcase, I would put your black dress in it.
If she had the sandwich , she wouldn't be hungry.
If I play soccer today , I'll fail my math exam tomorrow.
If we had tickets , we would be able to wach the game.
If I had a book , it would be more interesting.
If there were an ATM near here , I would have cash.
If you drank it, you would die
If I hadn't been so busy, I would have helped you.
If we had started saving money five years earlier, we would buy this house next year.
If I could afford...
[ɪf aɪ kud ə'fɔ:d]
Once you are there...
[wʌns ju: ɑ:(r) ðɛə(r)]
once the worst problems are over
[wʌns ðə wə:st 'prɔbləmz ɑ:(r) 'əuvə(r)]
If I had a lot of money, I would have bought that Mercedes that I saw yesterday in the street.
If she had passed her exam last week, she would be going with us tomorrow for a trip.
If we had looked at the map, we wouldn't be lost.
If I hadn't taken that job, I wouldn't be a president of the company now.
If they had been born in Africa, their life would be totally different now.
If Mary spoke French, she would have helped you with this translation.
If he didn't love driving, he wouldn't have become a taxi driver.
If I had won the lottery, I would be rich.
If he hadn't bought the car, he wouldn't be short of money now.
If they weren't afraid of spiders they would have searched the basement.
If I hadn't taken that job, I wouldn't be a president of the company now.
if I where in your (place,shoes,position), if I were you
Were kinda heavy
[wə:(r) 'kɪndə 'hɛvɪ]
when we want water, we turn on the tap
If he hadn't dropped the ball , they would have won the game.
should you require
[ʃud ju: ri:k'waɪə(r)]
If there were nowhere
when we want to show that
[wɛn wi: wɔnt tu ʃəu ðæt]
If I rely on
[ɪf aɪ rɪ'laɪ ɔn]
if you weren't such an egoist
[ɪf ju: weren't sʌʧ ən egoist]
if you had the king's favour
[ɪf ju: hæd ðə king's feɪvə(r)]
when we reached to Warsaw
[wɛn wi: ri:ʧt tu 'wɔ:sɔ:]
If I were you, I'd
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ju: I'd]
If I were you I would go to
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ju: aɪ wud gəu tu]
Had it not been for that...
[hæd ɪt nɔt bɪ:n fɔ:(r) ðæt]
if I were you, I'd tell him
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ju: I'd tɛl hɪm]
If I won a million dollars, I would buy myself a Ferrari
[ɪf aɪ wʌn ə 'mɪljun 'dɔlərz aɪ wud baɪ maɪ'sɛlf ə fər'ɑ:ɪ]
If I could talk to my mother now, there wouldn't be a problem
[ɪf aɪ kud tɔ:k tu maɪ 'mʌðə(r) nau ðɛə(r) wouldn't bi: ə 'prɔbləm]
If Sophie were younger, she would move to the city
[ɪf 'səufɪ wə:(r) 'jʌŋgə(r) ʃi: wud mu:v tu ðə 'sɪtɪ]
If she moved to the city, she would live closer to her family
[ɪf ʃi: mju:vd tu ðə 'sɪtɪ ʃi: wud lɪv 'kləusə(r) tu hə:(r) 'fæməlɪ]
If she lived closer to her family, they would visit her more often
[ɪf ʃi: laɪvd 'kləusə(r) tu hə:(r) 'fæməlɪ ðeɪ wud 'vɪzɪt hə:(r) mɔ:(r) 'ɔ:fən]
If they visited her more often, she wouldn't feel so lonely
[ɪf ðeɪ 'vɪzətəd hə:(r) mɔ:(r) 'ɔ:fən ʃi: wouldn't fi:l səu 'ləunlɪ]
If you could choose, would you prefer to live then or now?
[ɪf ju: kud ʧu:z wud ju: prə'fə: tu lɪv ðɛn ɔ:(r) nau]
If he hadn't given me first aid, I wouldn't be here now.
[ɪf hi: hadn't 'gɪvən mi: fə:st eɪd aɪ wouldn't bi: hɪr nau]
I only wish I knew
[aɪ 'əunlɪ wɪʃ aɪ nju:]
if the weather was cold the second option would be better
[ɪf ðə 'wɛðə(r) wɔz kəuld ðə 'sɛkənd 'ɔpʃən wud bi: 'bɛtə(r)]

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