Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"bym" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
I would like to but it's impossible
I would give my eye tooth for that
I would willingly
[aɪ wud 'wɪlɪŋlɪ]
they made me go away
I'd love to
[aɪd lʌv tu]
Yes I'd love to
I don't know what I would have done without you
[aɪ dəunt nəu wɔt aɪ wud hæv dʌn wɪ'θaut ju:]
I'd love to
[aɪd lʌv tu]
If were you, I would
if I can
i'd love to but
[aɪd lʌv tu bʌt]
I would be interested to know
[aɪ wud bi: 'ɪntrɪstəd tu nəu]
I want to see if I look good in this jacket.
If I knew it, I would tell you
[ɪf aɪ nju: ɪt aɪ wud tɛl ju:]
to be honest I'd
[tu bi: 'ɔnɪst aɪd]
I could use a snack
[aɪ kud ju:s ə snæk]
If i were you I would work harder
let my get this straight
i wouldn't win anything
I would sleep
[aɪ wud sli:p]
He threatened to shoot me if I didn't hand over the money.
I am afraid I would get used to use it
[aɪ æm ə'freɪd aɪ wud gɛt jju:zd tu ju:s ɪt]
He got angry and told me to get out
[hi: gɔt 'æŋgrɪ ænd təuld mi: tu gɛt aut]
if I were you, I'd tell him
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ju: I'd tɛl hɪm]
if I were you, I would
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ju: aɪ wud]
so would I
[səu wud aɪ]
well, I never
[wɛl aɪ 'nɛvə(r)]
I definitely wouldn't choose the club because
[aɪ 'dɛfɪnɪtlɪ wouldn't ʧu:z ðə klʌb bɪ'kɔ:z]
If I had more money, I'd bay a bigger house.
[ɪf aɪ hæd mɔ:(r) 'mʌnɪ I'd beɪ ə 'bɪgə(r) haus]
If I were you, I'd buy a new computer.
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ju: I'd baɪ ə nju: kəm'pju:tə(r)]
If I had time, I'd help you.
[ɪf aɪ hæd taɪm aɪd hɛlp ju:]
I would like to sell...
[aɪ wud laɪk tu sɛl]
I would like to congratulate you on passing the exam.
[aɪ wud laɪk tu kən'grætjuleɪt ju: ɔn 'pæsɪŋ ðə ɪg'zæm]
I would like to by rich.
[aɪ wud laɪk tu baɪ rɪʧ]
Would you mind if I started? Go ahead/No, not at all
[wud ju: maɪnd ɪf aɪ 'stɑ:təd gəu ə'hɛd nəu nɔt æt ɔ:l]
I'd pass it up if it were offered to me
[I'd pɑ:s ɪt ʌp ɪf ɪt wə:(r) 'ɔ:fərd tu mi:]
I couldn't have put it better myself
[aɪ couldn't hæv put ɪt 'bɛtə(r) maɪ'sɛlf]
Would you like me to
[wud ju: laɪk mi: tu]
if I had only known
[ɪf aɪ hæd 'əunlɪ nəun]
Finally, I would appreciate it if you could send me
['faɪnəlɪ aɪ wud ə'pri:ʃɪeɪt ɪt ɪf ju: kud sɛnd mi:]
I would appreciate if you could inform me
[aɪ wud ə'pri:ʃɪeɪt ɪf ju: kud ɪn'fɔ:m mi:]
I'd love it if you could come to the ...
[aɪd lʌv ɪt ɪf ju: kud kʌm tu ðə]
if I had paid attention
[ɪf aɪ hæd peɪd ə'tɛnʃən]
It's what I'd've done
[ɪts wɔt I\'d\'ve dʌn]
the main thing is, I won't get eaten by a beast
[ðə meɪn θɪŋ ɪz aɪ won’t gɛt 'i:tn baɪ ə bi:st]
What I'd give to have a...
[wɔt aɪd gɪv tu hæv ə]
Why would you want me to do that?
[waɪ wud ju: wɔnt mi: tu du: ðæt]
If you hadn't lied then, I would still trust you.
[ɪf ju: 'hædənt laɪd ðɛn aɪ wud stɪl trʌst ju:]
I'd never do it for such a low purpose
[aɪd 'nɛvə(r) du: ɪt fɔ:(r) sʌʧ ə ləu 'pə:pəs]
I'd like that very much
[aɪd laɪk ðæt 'vɛrɪ mʌʧ]
I'm gonna do it unless you tell me not to
[aɪm 'gɔnə du: ɪt ʌn'lɛs ju: tɛl mi: nɔt tu]
Have you not come along, I wouldn't manage for sure
[hæv ju: nɔt kʌm ə'lɔŋ aɪ 'wudənt 'mænəʤ fɔ:(r) ʃuə(r)]
Ordinarily, I wouldn't care about it
[ɔ:rdə'nɛrəlɪ aɪ 'wudənt kɛə(r) ə'baut ɪt]
but I'd go a step further than that
[bʌt aɪd gəu ə stɛp 'fə:ðə(r) ðæn ðæt]
I would do that
[aɪ wud du: ðæt]
I would do that
[aɪ wud du: ðæt]
But first I would very much like it if I could...
[bʌt fə:st aɪ wud 'vɛrɪ mʌʧ laɪk ɪt ɪf aɪ kud]

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