Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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"kupił" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
I bought it here last Friday
[aɪ bɔt ɪt hɪr lɑ:st 'fraɪdɪ]
I bought it here yesterday
[aɪ bɔt ɪt hɪr 'jɛstərdeɪ]
I bought it for five pounds
[aɪ bɔt ɪt fɔ:(r) faɪv paundz]
would have bought
I bought a roll of wallpaper for my room
[aɪ bɔt ə rəul ɔv 'wɔ:lpeɪpə(r) fɔ:(r) maɪ ru:m]
I bought this dress in the sales
[aɪ bɔt ðɪs drɛs ɪn ðə seɪlz]
I bought several books to read at home
[aɪ bɔt 'sɛvrl buks tu rɛd æt həum]
I bought a car. That car cost 60000 zlotys
[aɪ bɔt ə kɑ:(r) ðæt kɑ:(r) kɔst 60000 'zlɔ:tɪz]
I bought a car that cost 60000 zlotys
[aɪ bɔt ə kɑ:(r) ðæt kɔst 60000 'zlɔ:tɪz]
I bought a ticket for a train to Warsaw.
[aɪ bɔt ə 'tɪkɪt fɔ:(r) ə treɪn tu 'wɔ:sɔ:]
I bought this watch in your shop on
[aɪ bɔt ðɪs wɔʧ ɪn jɔ:(r) ʃɔp ɔn]
i bought this house for ninety-five
[aɪ bɔt ðɪs haus fɔ:(r) 'naɪntɪ faɪv]
I bought a loaf of bread and a fruit cake.
[aɪ bɔt ə ləuf ɔv brɛd ænd ə fru:t keɪk]
I bought a CD player last week in your shop in XXX street on 2 ND September.
[aɪ bɔt ə 'si:di: 'pleɪə(r) lɑ:st wi:k ɪn jɔ:(r) ʃɔp ɪn XXX stri:t ɔn 2 ND sep'tɛmbə(r)]
did you buy it yourself or was it a present?
[dɪd ju: baɪ ɪt jər'sɛlf ɔ:(r) wɔz ɪt ə 'prɛzənt]
I've bought two items of clothing.
[I've bɔt tju: 'aɪtəmz ɔv 'kləuðɪŋ]
I bought this car for ninety five pound
[aɪ bɔt ðɪs kɑ:(r) fɔ:(r) 'naɪntɪ faɪv paund]
I bought it over the counter.
[aɪ bɔt ɪt 'əuvə(r) ðə 'kauntə(r)]
I bought some aspirin
[aɪ bɔt sʌm 'æsprɪn]
He bought me dinner to make up for being so late the day before
[hi: bɔt mi: 'dɪnə(r) tu meɪk ʌp fɔ:(r) 'bi:ɪŋ səu leɪt ðə deɪ bɪ'fɔ:(r)]
I bought a shirt yesterday.
[aɪ bɔt ə ʃə:t 'jɛstərdeɪ]
I bought a new car yesterday
[aɪ bɔt ə nju: kɑ:(r) 'jɛstərdeɪ]
I have bought a new car
[aɪ hæv bɔt ə nju: kɑ:(r)]
She bought me a tie. / She bought a tie for me.
[ʃi: bɔt mi: ə taɪ ʃi: bɔt ə taɪ fɔ:(r) mi:]
I bought this bunch of flowers for you.
[aɪ bɔt ðɪs bʌnʧ ɔv 'flauərz fɔ:(r) ju:]
I bought this
[aɪ bɔt ðɪs]
did you buy it brand new or used?
[dɪd ju: baɪ ɪt brænd nju: ɔ:(r) jju:zd]
I bought it used, but it still in great condition
[aɪ bɔt ɪt jju:zd bʌt ɪt stɪl ɪn greɪt kən'dɪʃən]

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