| Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | Polskie tłumaczenie |
condition [kən'dɪʃən] |
warunek, stan, sprawność, zastrzeżenie |
conditional [kən'dɪʃənl] |
warunkowy |
conditions [kən'dɪʃənz] |
warunki |
conditionig |
uwarunkowanie |
condition [kən'dɪʃən] |
stan, forma, kondycja |
conditions of employment [kən'dɪʃənz ɔv em'plɔɪmənt] |
warunki zatrudnienia |
condition [kən'dɪʃən] |
schorzenie |
conditioner [kən'dɪʃənə(r)] |
odzywka |
conditioning [kən'dɪʃənɪŋ] |
uwarunkowanie |
Conditional reflex [kən'dɪʃənl 'ri:fleks] |
Odruch warunkowy |
conditioner [kən'dɪʃənə(r)] |
odżywka do włosów |
conditioned tolerance [kən'dɪʃənd 'tɔlərəns] |
warunkująca tolerancja |
condition [kən'dɪʃən] |
warunek |
condition [kən'dɪʃən] |
stan |
conditioning apparatus [kən'dɪʃənɪŋ æpə'rəɪtəs] |
skrzynka Skinnera |
conditioning [kən'dɪʃənɪŋ] |
pielęgnacja, uwarunkowanie |
conditional release [kən'dɪʃənl rɪ'li:s] |
zwolnienie warunkowe |
conditional clause [kən'dɪʃənl klɔ:z] |
okolicznik warunku |
conditions of an experiment [kən'dɪʃənz ɔv ən ɪk'spɛrɪmənt] |
warunki eksperymentu |
conditions (of living, contract) [kən'dɪʃənz ɔv 'lɪvɪŋ 'kɔntrækt] |
warunki |
conditions precedent [kən'dɪʃənz 'prɛsɪdənt] |
warunki zawieszające |
condition [kən'dɪʃən] |
stan, okoliczność |
conditional branching [kən'dɪʃənl 'brænʧɪŋ] |
rozgałęzienia warunkowe |
condition on [kən'dɪʃən ɔn] |
warunek na (coś) |
condition [kən'dɪʃən] |
warunek, stan, sprawność, zastrzeżenie, forma, kondycja |
conditional [kən'dɪʃənl] |
tryb warunkowy |
condition [kən'dɪʃən] |
warunek, stan |
condition for [kən'dɪʃən fɔ:(r)] |
warunek dla |
conditions of delivery [kən'dɪʃənz ɔv dɪ'lɪvərɪ] |
warunki dostawy |
conditionally [kən'dɪʃənəlɪ] |
warunkowo |
condition [kən'dɪʃən] |
choroba |
conditions [kən'dɪʃənz] |
uwarunkowania, otoczenie |
conditions of readiness [kən'dɪʃənz ɔv 'rɛdɪnəs] |
stan gotowości |
condition [kən'dɪʃən] |
choroba przewlekła, stan |
conditioner [kən'dɪʃənə(r)] |
odżywka |
| Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | Polskie tłumaczenie |
haggle ['hægl] |
attempt to decide on price or conditions of goods you want to buy (over/about) |
no-win situation |
denoting a condition in which one cannot benefit, succeed, or win |
narcolepsy ['nɑ:kəlɛpsɪ] |
a medical condition which makes you go to sleep suddenly and unexpectedly |
banality [bə'nælɪtɪ] |
The condition or quality of being banal triviality |
unconditional [nkən'dɪʃənl] |
made without condition |
intumescence |
The act or process of swelling or the condition of being swollen |
If Batty is at school tomorrow, I will give her the books. |
Jeśli Batty będzie jutro w szkole, przekażę jej książki. (I conditional) |
I will give Sarah the books if she's at school tomorrow. |
Przekażę Sarze książki, jeśli będzie jutro w szkole. (I conditional) |
If the weather is fine on Saturday, we'll go for a long walk. |
Jeśli pogoda będzie ładna w sobotę, pójdziemy na długi spacer. (I conditional)) |
She will kiss you, if you give her flowers. [ʃi: wɪl kɪs ju: ɪf ju: gɪv hə:(r) 'flauərz] |
Ona pocałuje cię, jeśli dasz jej kwiaty (I conditional) |
You'll be there on time unless the bus is late. |
Będziesz tam na czas, chyba że się autobus spóźni. (I conditional) |
I'll call you as soon as I get home. |
Zadzwonię do ciebie, jak tylko będę w domu. (I conditional) |
We'll do it for you if you promise not to tell anyone about that. |
Zrobimy to dla ciebie, jeśli obiecasz, że nie powiesz o tym nikomu (I conditional).) |
Providing the sun is shining we'll go to the beach. [prə'vaɪdɪŋ ðə sʌn ɪz 'ʃaɪnɪŋ wi:l gəu tu ðə bi:ʧ] |
Pójdziemy na plażę pod warunkiem, że będzie słońce. (I conditional) |
I think if I read this book I'll pass the exam. |
Myślę, że jak przeczytam tę książkę, to zdam egzamin. (I conditional) |
As soon as I receive the money I'll pay you for the car. |
Jak tylko dostanę pieniądze, zapłacę ci za samochód. (I conditional) |
Ok, I'll tell you what my plan is on condition you don't tell mom about it . |
Dobra, powiem ci, co planuję, ale pod warunkiem, że nie powiesz nic o tym mamie. (I conditional) |
It won't work if you don't put batteries into it. |
To nie zadziała, jeśli nie włożysz baterii. (I conditional) |
If I had a lot of money, I would go for a trip around the world. |
Gdybym miał dużo pieniędzy, pojechałbym na wycieczkę dookoła świata. (II conditional) |
He would help her if he had more time. |
On by jej pomógł, gdyby miał więcej czasu. (II conditional) |
If I were younger I'd get that job. |
Gdybym był młodszy, dostałbym tę pracę. (II conditional) |
My life would be totally different if I could turn back time. |
Moje życie byłoby zupełnie inne, gdybym mógł cofnąć czas. (II conditional) |
Would you come to me today if I asked you really kindly? |
Czy przyszedłbyś do mnie dziś, jeśli poprosiłbym cię naprawdę grzecznie? (II conditional) |
If I were you I would never buy this CD. [ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ju: aɪ wud 'nɛvə(r) baɪ ðɪs 'si:di:] |
Gdybym był tobą (na twoim miejscu), nigdy nie kupiłbym tej płyty (II conditional) |
She'd have more friends if she weren't so aloof. [ʃi:d hæv mɔ:(r) frɛndz ɪf ʃi: 'wə:ənt səu ə'lu:f] |
Ona miałaby więcej przyjaciół, gdyby nie była taka wyniosła. (II conditional) |
Would she go to Canada if she had such chance? |
Czy pojechałaby do Kanady, gdyby miała taką okazję? (II conditional) |
She could do it if she only wanted to. |
Mogłaby to zrobić, jeśli by tylko chciała. (II conditional) |
They might travel around the world if they had enough money. |
Oni mogliby podróżować dookoła świata, jeśli mieliby wystarczająco dużo pieniędzy (II conditional) |
If I had met Susan last week I would have given her the book. |
Gdybym spotkał Susan w poprzednim tygodniu, dałbym jej książkę. (III conditional)) |
If you had come earlier I wouldn't have had to wait for you so long. |
Gdybyś przyszedł wcześniej, nie musiałbym tak długo na ciebie czekać. (III conditional) |
We would have been married today if I'd been more courageous. |
Bylibyśmy teraz małżeństwem, gdybym był wtedy odważniejszy. (III conditional) |
If she had known that she wouldn't have done that. |
Gdyby wiedziała, to by tego nie zrobiła. (III conditional) |
If you don't eat, you die. |
Jeśli nie jesz, umierasz. (0 conditional) |
If you put sugar in tea, it tastes sweet. |
Jeśli wsypiesz cukier do herbaty, będzie słodka. (0 conditional) |
If you want to leave a message, speak after the bleep. |
Mów po sygnale, jeśli chcesz zostawić wiadomość. (0 conditional) |
team facilitator |
a member of team who is responsible for conditions during meeting |
satisfier |
things at work such as work conditions, job security which are taken for granted |
As a driver... to ensure that [æz ə 'draɪvə(r) tu e'nʃur ðæt] |
the goods arrive in the same condition |
When driving in windy weather [wɛn 'draɪvɪŋ ɪn 'wɪndɪ 'wɛðə(r)] |
anticipate how conditions may |
terms [tə:mz] |
warunki (nie conditions) |
deprived [dɪp'raɪvd] |
not having the things that are necessary for a pleasant life, such as enough money, food, or good living conditions |
eligible ['ɛləʤəbl] |
having the necessary qualities or fulfilling the necessary conditions |
roadworthy |
in a condition that it can be driven safely |
road rage [rəud reɪʤ] |
anger or violence between drivers because of difficult driving conditions |
rough sth |
to live in very basic conditions, without any extra comforts |
stress level |
a level of a great worry caused by a difficult situation, or something which causes this condition |
distort [dɪs'tɔ:t] |
to change something from its usual, original, natural or intended meaning, condition or shape |
sweatshop conditions |
employees work long hours under bad conditions for low wages |
feebleness |
The quality or condition of being feeble; debility; infirmity |
neglect |
failure to look after something or someone, or the condition of not being looked after |
stand up to |
resist, stay in good condition |
sth is on its last legs |
sth (car) is in very bad condition and vary sool will stop working |
decaying [də'keɪɪŋ] |
the condition of something (e.g. area, building) is gradually becoming worse |
preservation [prɛzə'veɪʃən] |
when sth is kept in its original state or in good condition |
flexible ['flɛksɪbl] |
able to change to suit new conditions or situations |
marketplace ['mɑ:kətpleɪs] |
a place where a particular products is bought or sold or the conditions for buying and selling there |
raw material [rɔ: mə'tɪrɪəl] |
any material in its natural condition before it has been processed for use |
term sheet [tə:m ʃi:t] |
a document which sets out the terms and conditions of a business agreement |
prerequisite [prɪ'rɛkwɪzɪt] |
required as a prior condition |
prevalence ['prɛvələns] |
the fact or condition of being commonness |
sweatshop ['swɛʧɑp] |
a factory where workers are paid very little and work many hours in very bad conditions |