Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"will" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
will shall
[wɪl ʃæl]
will would
[wɪl wud]
will be
[wɪl bi:]
will two zlots do?
willow tree
['wɪləu tri:]
will you be so kind as to
[wɪl ju: bi: səu kaɪnd æz tu]
will you add me?
[wɪl ju: æd mi:]
will you wait for me?
will you book the court
[wɪl ju: buk ðə kɔ:t]
Will ring tonight
will be held
[wɪl bi: hɛld]
will be given
will soon be completed
[wɪl su:n bi: kəm'pli:təd]
Will we get this project for assessment
Will you married me?
Will you call back?
[wɪl ju: kɔ:l bæk]
Will you call back?
will it fit me
will it suit me
[wɪl ɪt sju:t mi:]
will she?
Will you sing a song please
Will I get it here?
will i get it to here
will lead
willing to
['wɪlɪŋ tu]
Will you help me with
will / should
[wɪl ʃud]
Will It Get Inside
Will Win Out
Will Get You There
Will you...go to the cinema with me?
will live
William works as a waiter
will it be ok if we (did sth)
will beckome
will not / won't
[wɪl nɔt wəunt]
Will you still be answering these questions at 2 a.m. tomorrow?
Will there be even more people in the world in tem years’ time than now?
will you describe her appearance to us
will be able to .....
[wɪl bi: 'eɪbl tu]
Will you go buy some more?
will I ever see another sunrise?
Will you help me, please?
will help to heal
will turn to dust
will you have a cup of coffee?
[wɪl ju: hæv ə kʌp ɔv 'kɔfɪ]
will .....
will you
[wɪl ju:]
will it be hot next winter
[wɪl ɪt bi: hɔt nɛkst 'wɪntə(r)]
will she be here
[wɪl ʃi: bi: hɪr]
Will she get up at five a.m. on Sunday
[wɪl ʃi: gɛt ʌp æt faɪv æm ɔn 'sʌndeɪ]
will she get up
[wɪl ʃi: gɛt ʌp]
Will you go to the grocery store for me?
will appear
Will you be at work this afternoon?
will it be hung out?
[wɪl ɪt bi: hʌŋ aut]
Will this package arrive before Friday?
will it be flown to Warsaw?
will you be able to build
[wɪl ju: bi: 'eɪbl tu bɪld]
willing to pay
['wɪlɪŋ tu peɪ]
Will you order a dessert?
Will you go to school?
[wɪl ju: gəu tu sku:l]
Will you organize a party?
Will they build a house
Will you give it to my father
Will you open the windows
[wɪl ju: 'əupən ðə 'wɪndəz]
Will you be at home this evening?
Will you take my luggage upstairs, please.
Will you have supper with me tonight?
[wɪl ju: hæv 'sʌpə(r) wɪð mi: tə'naɪt]
will it stop raining during the night?
will you be able to come?
[wɪl ju: bi: 'eɪbl tu kʌm]
will extended to his students
will you tell me how to get there
[wɪl ju: tɛl mi: hau tu gɛt ðɛə(r)]
Will you lisen to the radio tomorrow?
Will we watch TV?
will you have answered more questions by the time the lesson finishes
[wɪl ju: hæv 'ænsərd mɔ:(r) 'kwɛsʧənz baɪ ðə taɪm ðə 'lɛsn 'fɪnɪʃɪz]
will you have learnt all the words from stage 6 by the end of the year?
[wɪl ju: hæv lə:nt ɔ:l ðə wə:dz frɔm steɪʤ 6 baɪ ðə ɛnd ɔv ðə jɪə(r)]
will it be?
[wɪl ɪt bi:]
Will the price be lower for three nights?
[wɪl ðə praɪs bi: 'ləuə(r) fɔ:(r) θri: naɪts]
will be covered by you
[wɪl bi: 'kʌvərd baɪ ju:]
Will you buy this book?
[wɪl ju: beɪ ðɪs buk]
Will you like it?
[wɪl ju: laɪk ɪt]
Will he like it?
[wɪl hi: laɪk ɪt]
Will my father like it?
[wɪl maɪ 'fɑ:ðə(r) laɪk ɪt]
Will you make it?
[wɪl ju: meɪk ɪt]
Will you permit us to enter the temple?
[wɪl ju: pə'mɪt ʌs tu 'ɛntə(r) ðə 'tɛmpl]
will you please quote for the supply of the following items
[wɪl ju: pli:z kwəut fɔ:(r) ðə sə'plaɪ ɔv ðə 'fɔləuɪŋ 'aɪtəmz]
will you please quote for the following items
[wɪl ju: pli:z kwəut fɔ:(r) ðə 'fɔləuɪŋ 'aɪtəmz]

"will" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
Will I get it here?
William works as a waiter
villa / mirror / bathroom / bath
['vɪlə 'mɪrə(r) 'bɑ:θrum bɑ:θ]
a villa
[ə 'vɪlə]
Drivers who break EC
['draɪvərz hu: breɪk EC]
A laminated...
[ə 'læməneɪtəd]
['əupən 'maɪndəd]

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