Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
appearance [ə'pɪərəns] |
look [luk] |
look out [luk aut] |
face (v) [feɪs vi:] |
to look the part | |
looks [luks] |
You look good. [ju: luk gud] |
look fit [luk fɪt] |
look beat | |
They look tired [ðeɪ luk 'taɪəd] |
look out of the window [luk aut ɔv ðə 'wɪndə] |
enterior | |
seem [si:m] |
look silly | |
look like [luk laɪk] |
regard [rɪ'gɑ:d] |
it looks guite German | |
physical appearance ['fɪzɪkl ə'pɪərəns] |
appearance [ə'pɪərəns] |
look young for one's age | |
look a bit off-colour | |
look healthy [luk 'hɛlθɪ] |
to look the same | |
seem [si:m] |
You look happy [ju: luk 'hæpɪ] |
look [luk] |
look like [luk laɪk] |
look as if [luk æz ɪf] |
looking ['lukɪŋ] |
you look hungry [ju: luk 'hʌŋgrɪ] |
He looks as if | |
They seem to be in love | |
look one’s age | |
to look healthy/young/old/well | |
look like [luk laɪk] |
look [luk] |
aussehen, sah aus, ausgesehen (h) | |
be off-colour [bi: ɔf 'kʌlə(r)] |
to look feverish | |
look upset | |
look (like) [luk laɪk] |
to look like sb | |
look pale [luk peɪl] |
outward appearance ['autwərd ə'pɪərəns] |
looks good for one's age | |
yoyu look a bit confused | |
look tired | |
look great [luk greɪt] |
to look like [tu luk laɪk] |
physical looks | |
to look ravishing | |
overlook [əuvə'luk] |
he looked very worried | |
resemble [rɪ'zɛmbl] |
looking out [for] | |
You look different. | |
U'd look better with your hair shorter. | |
to be the worse for wear | |
looking very untidy ['lukɪŋ 'vɛrɪ ʌn'taɪdɪ] |
they look [ðeɪ luk] |
look pale [luk peɪl] |
You look familiar [ju: luk fə'mɪlɪə(r)] |
I was looking through the kitchen window. | |
look like.......... | |
appearance [ə'pɪərəns] |
appearances can be deceiving [ə'pɪrənsɪz kæn bi: dɪ'si:vɪŋ] |
look terrible [luk 'tɛrɪbl] |
looked puzzled | |
look well [luk wɛl] |
physical presentation ['fɪzɪkl prɛzən'teɪʃən] |
look like a million dollars [luk laɪk ə 'mɪljun 'dɔlərz] |
She looked tired | |
look, looked [luk lukt] |
I'd look comical if I dyed my hair pink [I'd luk 'kɔmɪkl ɪf aɪ daɪd maɪ hɛə(r) pɪŋk] |
look like a drowned rat [luk laɪk ə draund ræt] |
look like either of your parents [luk laɪk 'aɪðə(r) ɔv jɔ:(r) 'pɛərənts] |
look lovely [luk 'lʌvlɪ] |
look like [luk laɪk] |
appearance / looks [ə'pɪərəns luks] |
look [luk] |
appearance / looks / seeblance [ə'pɪərəns luks seeblance] |
superficies [superficies] |
looks [luks] |
look feverish [luk 'fi:vərɪʃ] |
the look of [ðə luk ɔv] |
sound confident [saund 'kɔnfɪdənt] |
to look inviting [tu luk ɪn'vaɪtɪŋ] |
grooming ['gru:mɪŋ] |
appearance, look [ə'pɪərəns luk] |
dishevelled [dishevelled] |
look like death warmed over [luk laɪk dɛθ wɔ:md 'əuvə(r)] |
They seem to be in love. [ðeɪ si:m tu bi: ɪn lʌv] |
You look tired [ju: luk 'taɪəd] |
He looked tired when I saw him last week [hi: lukt 'taɪəd wɛn aɪ sɔ: hɪm lɑ:st wi:k] |
You look so beautiful today [ju: luk səu 'bju:tɪful tə'deɪ] |
He looked quite familiar [hi: lukt kwaɪt fə'mɪlɪə(r)] |
you look terrific [ju: luk tə'rɪfɪk] |
look sad [luk sæd] |
It looks like we've got ... [ɪt luks laɪk we've gɔt] |
You seem to be disappointed [ju: si:m tu bi: dɪsə'pɔɪntɪd] |