Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
vulnerable subjects ['vʌlnərəbl 'sʌbʤɪkts] |
dramatis personae | |
injured person | |
adoptees | |
individuals [ɪndə'vɪʤəwəlz] |
persecuted persons ['pə:sɪkju:təd 'pə:sɪnz] |
asmenys [asmenys] |
mouth breathers [mauθ breathers] |
People ['pi:pl] |
the powers that be [ðə 'pauərz ðæt bi:] |
tax evaders [tæks ɪ'veɪdərz] |
job seekers [ʤɔb 'si:kərz] |
entourage [ɑntu'rɔʒ] |
vulnerable people ['vʌlnərəbl 'pi:pl] |
People who take part in an activity or event. ['pi:pl hu: teɪk pɑ:t ɪn ən æk'tɪvɪtɪ ɔ:(r) ɪ'vɛnt] |
seniors ['si:njərz] |