Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"Przepraszam" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]

"Przepraszam" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
excuse me
[ɪks'kju:s mi:]
Sorry I did not catch your name
['sɔrɪ aɪ dɪd nɔt kæʧ jɔ:(r) neɪm]
I apologize for the inconvenience
[aɪ ə'pɔləʤaɪz fɔ:(r) ðə ɪnkən'vi:nɪəns]
Excuse me. Can I tell you something
[ɪks'kju:s mi: kæn aɪ tɛl ju: 'sʌmθɪŋ]
Excuse me. Can I ask you something
[ɪks'kju:s mi: kæn aɪ æsk ju: 'sʌmθɪŋ]
Excuse me. How can I get to ...
I am sorry for
[aɪ æm 'sɔrɪ fɔ:(r)]
Excuse me. How do I get to...
[ɪks'kju:s mi: hau du: aɪ gɛt tu]
excuse me could you tell me the time
[ɪks'kju:s mi: kud ju: tɛl mi: ðə taɪm]
Sorry to bother you
['sɔrɪ tu 'bɔðə(r) ju:]
I am sorry I have not written for so long.
I beg your pardon?
[aɪ bɛg jɔ:(r) 'pɑ:dn]
I beg your pardon?
I beg your pardon
[aɪ bɛg jɔ:(r) 'pɑ:dn]
excuse me can you speak more slowly
[ɪks'kju:s mi: kæn ju: spi:k mɔ:(r) 'sləulɪ]
I'm sorry I've interrupted you
[aɪm 'sɔrɪ aɪv ɪntər'ʌptɪd ju:]
I'm sorry I'm late
[aɪm 'sɔrɪ aɪm leɪt]
sorry to intrude but
sorry to interfere but
['sɔrɪ tu ɪntər'fɪr bʌt]
sorry to interrupt but
['sɔrɪ tu ɪntər'ʌpt bʌt]
I'm sorry I can't
[aɪm 'sɔrɪ aɪ kænt]
Excuse me for bothering...
apologise for
[apologise fɔ:(r)]
Excuse me I'd just like to say that...
Excuse me can you speak more slowly?
[ɪks'kju:s mi: kæn ju: spi:k mɔ:(r) 'sləulɪ]
I'm sorry but I can't give it to you right now
Sorry but I can't go with you
['sɔrɪ bʌt aɪ kænt gəu wɪð ju:]
I'm sorry I shouted at you
Excuse me where's the nearest tram stop
I'm sorry but we're closing in ten minutes
I'm sorry I've interrupted you please carry on
Sorry- but I have a maths test on Friday.
i'm sorry I've forgotten what it's called
excuse me do you know when
i'm sorry i haven't written for so long
[aɪm 'sɔrɪ aɪ 'hævənt 'rɪtn fɔ:(r) səu lɔ:ŋ]
Excuse me. Can I tell you sth
Excuse me. Can I ask you sth
Excuse. me. How do I get to...
[ɪks'kju:s mi: hau du: aɪ gɛt tu]
Excuse me. Where are the changing rooms
[ɪks'kju:s mi: wɛə(r) ɑ:(r) ðə 'ʧeɪnʤɪŋ ru:mz]
Sorry for interrupting but
Sorry but there is something important I'd like to
Excuse me!
I beg your pardon?
I'm sorry.
[aɪm 'sɔrɪ]
sorry not to have written such a long time
sorry not to have been in touch
Exuse me do you know to way to...?
Sorry to bother you.
['sɔrɪ tu 'bɔðə(r) ju:]
Excuse me, what time is it
I apologise for not getting in contact with you befor now.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
['sɔrɪ tu ki:p ju: 'weɪtɪŋ]
I'm sorry, but there is no reply.
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Could you spell it, please?
[aɪm 'sɔrɪ aɪ 'dɪdənt kæʧ jɔ:(r) neɪm kud ju: spɛl ɪt pli:z]
Sorry for the delay in replying
Sorry about that
['sɔrɪ ə'baut ðæt]
Sorry, I'm so late.
Sorry for being such a nuisance.
We do apologise for this problem..
excuse me, am I not interrupting
excuse me haven't we met before?
[ɪks'kju:s mi: 'hævənt wi: mɛt bɪ'fɔ:(r)]
Excuse me/sorry for interrupting,but
Sorry,but there is something important I'd like to say/add
Sorry, I didn't hear/catch that
['sɔrɪ aɪ 'dɪdənt hɪə(r) kæʧ ðæt]
Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the nearest hospital, please?
Excuse me, I'm looking for the nearest hospital?
[ɪks'kju:s mi: aɪm 'lukɪŋ fɔ:(r) ðə 'nɪrɪst 'hɔspɪtl]
Will you help me, please?
I'm sorry your suitcase is too big to take with you on the plane.You have th check it.
I'm sorry your suitcase is too big to take with you on the plane.You have th check it.
I'm sorry your suitcase is too big to take with you on the plane.You have th check it.
excuse me, where are the charming rooms?
Excuse me. Can you tell me the time?
sorry but i've got to
sorry i didn't quite catch that
sorry i missed that
Excuse me
[ɪks'kju:s mi:]
I am sorry it has taken me so long to replay to your letter of but
Excuse me I would like to ask, if there is a table for 2 people
Excuse me, what time does the boarding for flight to Berlin start?
Excuse me. Can I ask you something?
[ɪks'kju:s mi: kæn aɪ æsk ju: 'sʌmθɪŋ]
Excuse me. Can I tell you something?
[ɪks'kju:s mi: kæn aɪ tɛl ju: 'sʌmθɪŋ]
Excuse me, I'd just like to say that...
Excuse me, could I have the bill, please?
[ɪks'kju:s mi: kud aɪ hæv ðə bɪl pli:z]
Excuse me, I didn't mean to get in your way.
I'm sorry! I forgot!
I'm sorry. I made a mistake.
apologise to you for the stress you must be experiencing
I beg your pardon?
I'm sorry , I'm late
[aɪm 'sɔrɪ aɪm leɪt]
I'm sorry . I made a mistake.
[aɪm 'sɔrɪ aɪ meɪd ə mɪs'teɪk]
sorry I'm late
I'm sorry late
Sorry for not having written to you for such o long time
Sorry! I spilled the juice.
Excuse me , where's the restroom?
Excuse me , where can I return this?
sorry I don't agree with you
i'm sorry to bother you
[aɪm 'sɔrɪ tu 'bɔðə(r) ju:]

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