Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
add that [æd] |
step on the accelerator [stɛp ɔn ðə æk'sɛləreɪtə(r)] |
speed up [spi:d ʌp] |
add up [æd ʌp] |
add [æd] |
add [æd] |
speed up [spi:d ʌp] |
append [ə'pɛnd] |
to add to [tu æd tu] |
to add [tu æd] |
make a comment [meɪk ə 'kɔment] |
to step on the gas [tu stɛp ɔn ðə gæs] |
take milk in coffee [teɪk mɪlk ɪn 'kɔfɪ] |
tack on [tæk ɔn] |
aggrandise [aggrandise] |
add to basket [æd tu 'bɑ:skɪt] |
to flavour with [tu 'fleɪvə(r) wɪð] |
Add some oil (if necessary). [æd sʌm ɔɪl ɪf 'nɛsɪsɪrɪ] |
plus [plʌs] |
add to, into [æd tu 'ɪntu] |
friend [frɛnd] |
put the finishing touches [put ðə 'fɪnɪʃɪŋ 'tʌʧəz] |