Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
add that [æd] |
adder ['ædə(r)] |
addict ['ædɪkt] |
addition [ə'dɪʃən] |
additional [ə'dɪʃənl] |
address ['ædrɛs] |
address book [ə'drɛs buk] |
addressee [ædre'si:] |
addressing [əd'rɛsɪŋ] |
adduce | |
addoloscent | |
addicted to [ə'dɪktəd tu] |
added metal | |
addendum [ə'dɛdəm] |
addictive [ə'dɪktɪv] |
addiction [ə'dɪkʃən] |
addicted to drugs [ə'dɪktəd tu drʌgz] |
addict ['ædɪkt] |
add fuel to the fire [æd 'fjuəl tu ðə 'faɪə(r)] |
additive ['ædɪtɪv] |
adding ['ædɪŋ] |
add digit [æd 'dɪʤɪt] |
add up [æd ʌp] |
additives and preservatives ['ædətɪvz ænd prə'zə:vətɪvz] |
addmissible | |
added ['ædəd] |
additional colour | |
add [æd] |
addicted shopper | |
add to that [æd tu ðæt] |
add [æd] |
additional costs [ə'dɪʃənl kɔsts] |
add up to | |
add up [æd ʌp] |
adder ['ædə(r)] |
additionally [ə'dɪʃənəlɪ] |
addictions [ə'dɪkʃənz] |
add up to [æd ʌp tu] |
add number [æd 'nʌmbə(r)] |
Add fuel to the flames [æd 'fjuəl tu ðə fleɪmz] |
Add insult to injury [æd ɪn'sʌlt tu 'ɪnʤərɪ] |
Add variety to something [æd və'raɪətɪ tu 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
add a little sugar [æd ə 'lɪtl 'ʃugə(r)] |
additives ['ædətɪvz] |
address an audience directly | |
addiction [ə'dɪkʃən] |
additional [ə'dɪʃənl] |
addict [ə'dɪkt] |
add colour to one's life [æd 'kʌlə(r) tu wʌnz laɪf] |
addicted to alcohol [ə'dɪktəd tu 'ælkəhɔl] |
addictional | |
addicted to [ə'dɪktəd tu] |
addiction [ə'dɪkʃən] |
add value | |
Addis Ababa | |
add the red team and the blue team | |
add to [æd tu] |
add up | |
add [æd] |
address for correspondence ['ædrɛs fɔ:(r) kɔrɪs'pɔndəns] |
address [ə'drɛs] |
addiction to [ə'dɪkʃən tu] |
addition [ə'dɪʃən] |
add sth on (to sth) [æd 'sʌmθɪŋ ɔn tu 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
add (sth) up [æd 'sʌmθɪŋ ʌp] |
add up to sth [æd ʌp tu 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
add to the problem | |
addresee | |
additional services | |
addicted [ə'dɪktəd] |
address a problem ['ædrɛs ə 'prɔbləm] |
address ['ædrɛs] |
addendum [ə'dɛdəm] |
add in [æd ɪn] |
addicted to smoking [ə'dɪktəd tu 'sməukɪŋ] |
add fuel to the flames | |
add variety to something | |
addiction [ə'dɪkʃən] |
Additive genes | |
additional classes | |
add interest | |
adderss while in the... | |
add up [æd ʌp] |
addict / addicted to / addictive / addiction [ə'dɪkt ə'dɪktəd tu ə'dɪktɪv ə'dɪkʃən] |
addicted smoker [ə'dɪktəd 'sməukə(r)] |
additional [ə'dɪʃənl] |
added ['ædəd] |
address ['ædrɛs] |
address ['ædrɛs] |
addition [ə'dɪʃən] |
add / chop / peel / cut [æd ʧɔp pi:l kʌt] |
Add one level teaspoon of sugar [æd wʌn 'lɛvl 'ti:spu:n ɔv 'ʃugə(r)] |
addicted to [ə'dɪktəd tu] |
addition [ə'dɪʃən] |
additive ['ædətɪv] |
additives ['ædətɪvz] |
adductor [adductor] |
additive effect ['ædətɪv ɪ'fɛkt] |
additive effects of genes ['ædətɪv ɪ'fɛkts ɔv ʤi:nz] |
additivity [additivity] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
additional [ə'dɪʃənl] |
add up | |
additive effects of genes ['ædətɪv ɪ'fɛkts ɔv ʤi:nz] |
additivity [additivity] |
tweet [twi:t] |
add [æd] |
corroborate [kə'rɔbəreɪt] |
combined [kəm'baɪnd] |
added to ['ædəd tu] |
increased by [ɪn'kri:st baɪ] |
plus [plʌs] |
sum [sʌm] |
together [tə'gɛðə(r)] |
total ['təutl] |
older ['əuldə(r)] |
in all [ɪn ɔ:l] |
gain [geɪn] |
in the future [ɪn ðə 'fju:ʧə(r)] |
more than [mɔ:(r) ðæn] |