Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"możesz" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
you can play with
You can pull it
you can get a good position in the company
[ju: kæn gɛt ə gud pə'zɪʃən ɪn ðə 'kʌmpənɪ]
You can rely on Steve.
you can be sure
[ju: kæn bi: ʃuə(r)]
Can you do me a favour
[kæn ju: du: mi: ə feɪvə(r)]
Could you speak up please!
[kud ju: spi:k ʌp pli:z]
You can go with me if you want to
You can help me
[ju: kæn hɛlp mi:]
can you tell me the way to ...
[kæn ju: tɛl mi: ðə weɪ tu]
Can you open the window?
Can you repeat it?
[kæn ju: rɪ'pi:t ɪt]
could you tell me sth about this?
[kud ju: tɛl mi: 'sʌmθɪŋ ə'baut ðɪs]
You can do
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
[pli:z fi:l fri: tu 'kɔntækt mi: ɪf ju: hæv 'ɛnɪ 'kwɛsʧənz]
You can go.
[ju: kæn gəu]
You can go for a swim in the sea.
[ju: kæn gəu fɔ:(r) ə swɪm ɪn ðə si:]
And You Can Say The Words
You Can Be A Winner
you may not believe it
you may go anywhere you like
you can go to the Science Museum
You can get a bus or a tube
[ju: kæn gɛt ə bʌs ɔ:(r) ə tju:b]
You can do it.
Can you donate any money to help the people who lost their houses in the tornado?
You are at liberty to use my typewrite
[ju: ɑ:(r) æt 'lɪbətɪ tu ju:s maɪ typewrite]
Can you tell me where the exit is?
Can u give me a hand?
U may go when u've finished.
Can you please help me find my embassy? I asked.
You can follow me there.
can you wait a minute
Can you sign here?
You can take part in...
Could you speak a little slower, please?
[kud ju: spi:k ə 'lɪtl 'sləuə(r) pli:z]
can you imagine life without fire
[kæn ju: ɪ'mæʤɪn laɪf wɪ'θaut 'faɪə(r)]
You can count on me
[ju: kæn kaunt ɔn mi:]
You could end up as the only one.
you can smoke in the office (if you want)
[ju: kæn sməuk ɪn ðə 'ɔfɪs ɪf ju: wɔnt]
Can you repair this washing machine?
you can depend on me
[ju: kæn dɪ'pɛnd ɔn mi:]
you are allowed to play jokes on people on April Fool's Day
[ju: ɑ:(r) ə'laud tu pleɪ ʤəuks ɔn 'pi:pl ɔn 'eɪprel fju:lz deɪ]
You may find yourself in trouble.
How do you mean?
Can you give me an example?
[kæn ju: gɪv mi: ən ɪg'zɑ:mpl]
You can get hold of me on my mobile.
you can borrow any book you like
Can you tell me its name?
[kæn ju: tɛl mi: ɪts neɪm]
Can you say it again?
[kæn ju: seɪ ɪt ə'gɛn]
You can get a bus from the airport
could you talk us through this
Could you turn up the radiator
Could you squeeze this lemon?
you can ... till the cows come home, but you wont
[ju: kæn tɪl ðə kauz kʌm həum bʌt ju: wəunt]
you can... till the cows come home, but it won't
[ju: kæn tɪl ðə kauz kʌm həum bʌt ɪt wəunt]
feel free to interrupt at any time
[fi:l fri: tu ɪntər'ʌpt æt 'ɛnɪ taɪm]
you can sit on
[ju: kæn sɪt ɔn]
you can.. until you are blue in the face, but...
[ju: kæn ən'tɪl ju: ɑ:(r) blu: ɪn ðə feɪs bʌt]
you can argue until you are blue in the face, but...
[ju: kæn 'ɑ:gju: ən'tɪl ju: ɑ:(r) blu: ɪn ðə feɪs bʌt]
Can you go a little faster?
[kæn ju: gəu ə 'lɪtl 'fæstə(r)]
Can you look at this exercise?
[kæn ju: luk æt ðɪs 'ɛksəsaɪz]
You can rely on me
[ju: kæn rɪ'laɪ ɔn mi:]
Could you speak up, please?
[kud ju: spi:k ʌp pli:z]
Can you repeat, slowly?
[kæn ju: rɪ'pi:t 'sləulɪ]
Can you listen to me?
[kæn ju: 'lɪsɪn tu mi:]
depend upon it
[dɪ'pɛnd ə'pɔn ɪt]
Can you describe him
[kæn ju: dɪs'kraɪb hɪm]
Can you describe her
[kæn ju: dɪs'kraɪb hə:(r)]
Can you tell me which meal I should take?
[kæn ju: tɛl mi: wɪʧ mi:l aɪ ʃud teɪk]
You can watch television in five minutes
[ju: kæn wɔʧ 'tɛlɪvɪʒən ɪn faɪv 'mɪnəts]
You can keep the book
[ju: kæn ki:p ðə buk]
You can discard dirty things?
[ju: kæn dɪs'kɑ:d 'də:tɪ θɪŋz]
You can go to the toilet
[ju: kæn gəu tu ðə 'tɔɪlət]
can you give me a lift
[kæn ju: gɪv mi: ə lɪft]
Can you tell me what it's about?
[kæn ju: tɛl mi: wɔt it's ə'baut]
could you speak louder, please
[kud ju: spi:k 'laudə(r) pli:z]
Can you tell me its name in English?
[kæn ju: tɛl mi: ɪts neɪm ɪn 'ɪŋglɪʃ]
Could you say that again please?
[kud ju: seɪ ðæt ə'gɛn pli:z]
you can call me Bart
[ju: kæn kɔ:l mi: bɑ:t]
Could you speak up please?
[kud ju: spi:k ʌp pli:z]
you can take my bike if you wash it
[ju: kæn teɪk maɪ baɪk ɪf ju: wɔʃ ɪt]
You may go out
[ju: meɪ gəu aut]
You can speak freely during the discussion
[ju: kæn spi:k 'fri:lɪ 'durɪŋ ðə dɪs'kʌʃən]
You can go with me if you want to.
[ju: kæn gəu wɪð mi: ɪf ju: wɔnt tu]
Would you hand me the butter?
[wud ju: hænd mi: ðə 'bʌtə(r)]
Can you tell me where the town centre is, please?
[kæn ju: tɛl mi: wɛə(r) ðə taun 'sɛntə(r) ɪz pli:z]
You could pick up a dress for 80 florins.
[ju: kud pɪk ʌp ə drɛs fɔ:(r) 80 florins]
you can pick up it overnight
[ju: kæn pɪk ʌp ɪt 'əuvənaɪt]
You can confirm this by e-mail?
[ju: kæn kən'fə:m ðɪs baɪ i: meɪl]
Can you confirm it by email?
[kæn ju: kən'fə:m ɪt baɪ ɪ'meɪl]
you can go your own way
[ju: kæn gəu jɔ:(r) əun weɪ]
Could you elaborate on that?
[kud ju: ɪ'læbərɪt ɔn ðæt]
you can reach me on ...
[ju: kæn ri:ʧ mi: ɔn]
You can reach me at ....
[ju: kæn ri:ʧ mi: æt]
Can you account for for your absence?
[kæn ju: ə'kaunt fɔ:(r) fɔ:(r) jɔ:(r) 'æbsəns]
Can you tell me how to get to Wroclaw?
[kæn ju: tɛl mi: hau tu gɛt tu 'rɔklɔ:]
Could you ask him to call me?
[kud ju: æsk hɪm tu kɔ:l mi:]
you may
[ju: meɪ]
Can you say that again?
[kæn ju: seɪ ðæt ə'gɛn]
Could you repeat the last name?
[kud ju: rɪ'pi:t ðə lɑ:st neɪm]

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