Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
to splash out on a dress | |
She is wearing a dress | |
Henry bought her a dress in Paris ysterday. | |
I must buy myself a new dress | |
Did she sell the red dress two months ago? | |
If I had more room in my suitcase, I would put your black dress in it. | |
I am wearing a pink dress. | |
She took off her dress and hung it on a coat hanger | |
I bought this dress in the sales [aɪ bɔt ðɪs drɛs ɪn ðə seɪlz] |
Who are you wearing my dress [hu: ɑ:(r) ju: 'wɛrɪŋ maɪ drɛs] |
She tried on the dress. [ʃi: traɪd ɔn ðə drɛs] |
Can you help me to do up my dress? [kæn ju: hɛlp mi: tu du: ʌp maɪ drɛs] |
You could pick up a dress for 80 florins. [ju: kud pɪk ʌp ə drɛs fɔ:(r) 80 florins] |
i want a new dress to look nice [aɪ wɔnt ə nju: drɛs tu luk naɪs] |
which dress are you going to buy [wɪʧ drɛs ɑ:(r) ju: 'gəuɪŋ tu baɪ] |
(please) put on your navy blue dress [pli:z put ɔn jɔ:(r) 'neɪvɪ blu: drɛs] |
I would wear a dress to a formal dinner at a colleague place [aɪ wud wɛə(r) ə drɛs tu ə 'fɔ:ml 'dɪnə(r) æt ə 'kɔli:g pleɪs] |
She is wearing a pink dress [ʃi: ɪz 'wɛrɪŋ ə pɪŋk drɛs] |
Is she wearing a pink dress? [ɪz ʃi: 'wɛrɪŋ ə pɪŋk drɛs] |
She isn't wearing a pink dress [ʃi: 'ɪzənt 'wɛrɪŋ ə pɪŋk drɛs] |
She's wearing a dress [She's 'wɛrɪŋ ə drɛs] |
Try on this dress [traɪ ɔn ðɪs drɛs] |
She's wearing a dress [She's 'wɛrɪŋ ə drɛs] |
She bought a very expensive dress [ʃi: bɔt ə 'vɛrɪ ɪk'spɛnsɪv drɛs] |
She wore a bold dress [ʃi: wɔ:(r) ə bəuld drɛs] |
She bought a pair of shoes and dress. The dress is a bit too small [ʃi: bɔt ə pɛə(r) ɔv ʃu:z ænd drɛs ðə drɛs ɪz ə bɪt tu: smɔ:l] |
wear a dress [wɛə(r) ə drɛs] |
She is wearing a red dress. [ʃi: ɪz 'wɛrɪŋ ə rɛd drɛs] |
I want to have this dress dry cleaned [aɪ wɔnt tu hæv ðɪs drɛs draɪ kli:nd] |