Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
confirm [kən'fə:m] |
corroborate [kə'rɔbəreɪt] |
to confirm [tu kən'fə:m] |
confirm that... [kən'fə:m ðæt] |
to confirm that | |
confirm a booking [kən'fə:m ə 'bukɪŋ] |
confirm a hypothesis [kən'fə:m ə haɪ'pɔθɪsɪs] |
confirm theory [kən'fə:m 'θɪrɪ] |
acknowledge receipt [ək'nɔlɪʤ rɪ'si:t] |
to confirm a booking [tu kən'fə:m ə 'bukɪŋ] |
verify ['vɛrɪfaɪ] |
to confirm a reservation [tu kən'fə:m ə rɛzər'veɪʃən] |
claims to be, says he is | |
confirm [kən'fə:m] |
confirm/formulate a hypothesis [kən'fə:m 'fɔ:mjuleɪt ə haɪ'pɔθɪsɪs] |
confirm availability for interviews [kən'fə:m əveɪlə'bɪlɪtɪ fɔ:(r) 'ɪntərvju:z] |
endorse [ɪn'dɔ:s] |
verify reliability ['vɛrɪfaɪ rɪlaɪə'bɪlɪtɪ] |
confirm [kən'fə:m] |
confirm that [kən'fə:m ðæt] |
to confirm [tu kən'fə:m] |
confirm one's booking [kən'fə:m one's 'bukɪŋ] |
to confirm sth [tu kən'fə:m 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
confirm an appointment [kən'fə:m ən ə'pɔɪntmənt] |
confirm the identity [kən'fə:m ðə aɪ'dɛntɪtɪ] |
confirm his identity [kən'fə:m hɪz aɪ'dɛntɪtɪ] |
confirm (formally) [kən'fə:m 'fɔ:məlɪ] |
back up [bæk ʌp] |
verifying ['vɛrəfaɪɪŋ] |
confirm your booking [kən'fə:m jɔ:(r) 'bukɪŋ] |
to confirm a booking [tu kən'fə:m ə 'bukɪŋ] |