Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
teacher ['ti:ʧə(r)] |
tea [ti:] |
teach [ti:ʧ] |
teacup ['ti:kp] |
teakettle | |
team [ti:m] |
teamwork ['ti:mwək] |
teaparty | |
teapot ['ti:pɑt] |
tear [tɛə(r)] |
tearful ['tɪrfəl] |
tease [ti:z] |
teaser ['ti:zə(r)] |
teaspoon ['ti:spu:n] |
teat [ti:t] |
teach taught taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t tɔ:t] |
tear tore torn [tɛə(r) tɔ:(r) tɔ:n] |
team up with [ti:m ʌp wɪð] |
tear off | |
tearaway [tearaway] |
tea shop | |
teaching staff ['ti:ʧɪŋ stɑ:f] |
tea-pot [ti: pɔt] |
tear tore torn [tɛə(r) tɔ:(r) tɔ:n] |
tea set [ti: sɛt] |
tea towel [ti: 'tauəl] |
teaches ['ti:ʧəz] |
tear up [tɛə(r) ʌp] |
teaspoons ['ti:spu:nz] |
tear down [tɛə(r) daun] |
tea [ti:] |
team [ti:m] |
team-oriented | |
tear across the sky | |
tears were running down her face | |
team player [ti:m 'pleɪə(r)] |
teach tought tought | |
tea-cup | |
teach sb a lesson | |
team spirit [ti:m 'spɪrɪt] |
teach thought thought [ti:ʧ θɔ:t θɔ:t] |
teacher's college | |
tea house [ti: haus] |
tea pot [ti: pɔt] |
tea bag [ti: bæg] |
tear [tɛə(r)] |
teacher of biology ['ti:ʧə(r) ɔv baɪ'ɔləʤɪ] |
teacher of English ['ti:ʧə(r) ɔv 'ɪŋglɪʃ] |
tearful ['tɪrfəl] |
tearfully ['tɪrfəlɪ] |
tease [ti:z] |
tearing ['tɛrɪŋ] |
team member [ti:m 'mɛmbə(r)] |
tea [ti:] |
team-mate [ti:m meɪt] |
tear [tɛə(r)] |
tears [tɛrz] |
tear up [tɛə(r) ʌp] |
team sport [ti:m spɔ:t] |
teapot ['ti:pɑt] |
tease [ti:z] |
teach sb to do sth | |
tear gas [tɛə(r) gæs] |
teasing ['ti:zɪŋ] |
tear-away [tɛə(r) ə'weɪ] |
tearjerker [tearjerker] |
teaching methods | |
team sports [ti:m spɔ:ts] |
tear [tɛə(r)] |
tear tore | |
tear [tɛə(r)] |
tear sth up [tɛə(r) 'sʌmθɪŋ ʌp] |
teach a lesson [ti:ʧ ə 'lɛsn] |
tears [tɛrz] |
team [ti:m] |
teamwork skills ['ti:mwək skɪlz] |
tear tore torn [tɛə(r) tɔ:(r) tɔ:n] |
teabag | |
teardrop [teardrop] |
tea with milk [ti: wɪð mɪlk] |
teacher training college | |
tea and coffee making facilities [ti: ænd 'kɔfɪ 'meɪkɪŋ fə'sɪlɪtɪz] |
tear [tɛə(r)] |
tea-break | |
tear [tɛə(r)] |
team worker [ti:m 'wə:kə(r)] |
team [ti:m] |
teach taught taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t tɔ:t] |
tear apart | |
teabag [ti: bæg] |
teachers'meeting | |
teach taught taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t tɔ:t] |
tear , tore, torn [tɛə(r) tɔ:(r) tɔ:n] |
tea time [ti: taɪm] |
team games [ti:m geɪmz] |
tear duct | |
tearing ['tɛrɪŋ] |
tease [ti:z] |
Teacher isbehind blakbornd. |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
theatre ['θi:ətə(r)] |
theatrical [θɪ'ætrɪkl] |
puppet theatre ['pʌpɪt 'θi:ətə(r)] |
Greek theatre | |
amateur theatre ['æmətə(r) 'θi:ətə(r)] |
theatre cafe | |
drama ['drɑ:mə] |
dramatic theatre | |
the Puppet and Actor Theatre | |
teabag | |
a theatre [ə 'θi:ətə(r)] |
street theatres | |
theatre ['θi:ətə(r)] |
Globe Theatre | |
theatregoer | |
open air theatre ['əupən ɛə(r) 'θi:ətə(r)] |
ancient theatre ['eɪnʧənt 'θi:ətə(r)] |
youth theatre [ju:θ 'θi:ətə(r)] |
fringe theatre [frɪnʤ 'θi:ətə(r)] |
a television play/ a teleplay [ə 'tɛlɪvɪʒən pleɪ ə teleplay] |
theatrically [θɪ'ætrɪkəlɪ] |
theatre booking office ['θi:ətə(r) 'bukɪŋ 'ɔfɪs] |
theatre ['θi:ətə(r)] |
annoy [ə'nɔɪ] |
bring up a child [brɪŋ ʌp ə ʧaɪld] |
lachrymose [lachrymose] |