Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
teacher ['ti:ʧə(r)] |
teach [ti:ʧ] |
teach taught taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t tɔ:t] |
teaching staff ['ti:ʧɪŋ stɑ:f] |
teaches ['ti:ʧəz] |
teach tought tought | |
teach sb a lesson | |
teach thought thought [ti:ʧ θɔ:t θɔ:t] |
teacher's college | |
teacher of biology ['ti:ʧə(r) ɔv baɪ'ɔləʤɪ] |
teacher of English ['ti:ʧə(r) ɔv 'ɪŋglɪʃ] |
teach sb to do sth | |
teaching methods | |
teach a lesson [ti:ʧ ə 'lɛsn] |
teacher training college | |
teach taught taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t tɔ:t] |
teachers'meeting | |
teach taught taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t tɔ:t] |
Teacher isbehind blakbornd. | |
teach taught taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t tɔ:t] |
teaching basic rules | |
teacher's desk | |
teach, taught, taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t tɔ:t] |
teacher's favourite | |
teach yourself | |
Teaching young children can be very rewarding. | |
teach taught taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t tɔ:t] |
teach a course in communications | |
teach taught taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t tɔ:t] |
teaching English to the Chinese | |
teacher staff | |
teacher's room ['ti:ʧərz ru:m] |
teacher | |
teach - taught - taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t tɔ:t] |
teaching ['ti:ʧɪŋ] |
teacher's pet [teacher's pɛt] |
teach taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t] |
teacher should combine such qualities as ['ti:ʧə(r) ʃud 'kɔmbaɪn sʌʧ 'kwɔlɪtɪz æz] |
teach [ti:ʧ] |
Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself. ['ti:ʧərz 'əupən ðə dɔ:(r) bʌt ju: mʌst 'ɛntə(r) baɪ jər'sɛlf] |
teach, taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t] |
teach [ti:ʧ] |
teach taught taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t tɔ:t] |
teach, taught, taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t tɔ:t] |
teachers college ['ti:ʧərz 'kɔlɪʤ] |
teach, taught, taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t tɔ:t] |
teach-taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t] |
teach - taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t] |
teacher-training college ['ti:ʧə(r) 'treɪnɪŋ 'kɔlɪʤ] |
teach-taught-taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t tɔ:t] |
teaching aids ['ti:ʧɪŋ eɪdz] |
teachers and writers ['ti:ʧərz ænd 'raɪtərz] |
teaching facilities ['ti:ʧɪŋ fə'sɪlɪtɪz] |
teacher training ['ti:ʧə(r) 'treɪnɪŋ] |
teach-yourself books [ti:ʧ jər'sɛlf buks] |
teacher's pet ['ti:ʧərz pɛt] |
teach [ti:ʧ] |
teachers' room [teachers' ru:m] |
teach children Spanish [ti:ʧ 'ʧɪldrən 'spænɪʃ] |
teach Spanish [ti:ʧ 'spænɪʃ] |
teach them to make bread [ti:ʧ ðɛm tu meɪk brɛd] |
teach me this [ti:ʧ mi: ðɪs] |
teachers ['ti:ʧərz] |
teach [ti:ʧ] |
teach me how to [ti:ʧ mi: hau tu] |
teach [ti:ʧ] |
teacher ['ti:ʧə(r)] |
teaching ['ti:ʧɪŋ] |
teach taught taught [ti:ʧ tɔ:t tɔ:t] |
teach [ti:ʧ] |
teacher's room ['ti:ʧərz ru:m] |
teachers often ridicule students and denigrate them ['ti:ʧərz 'ɔ:fən 'rɪdəkju:l 'stu:dənts ænd 'dɛnəgreɪt ðɛm] |
teach sb to [ti:ʧ 'sʌmbədɪ tu] |
Teach me how to do it. [ti:ʧ mi: hau tu du: ɪt] |
teacher ['ti:ʧə(r)] |
teach [ti:ʧ] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
bring up a child [brɪŋ ʌp ə ʧaɪld] |