Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
teat [ti:t] |
teat [ti:t] |
teat [ti:t] |
teat/dummy [ti:t 'dʌmɪ] |
teat her boots [ti:t hə:(r) bu:ts] |
teat [ti:t] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
theatre ['θi:ətə(r)] |
theatrical [θɪ'ætrɪkl] |
puppet theatre ['pʌpɪt 'θi:ətə(r)] |
Greek theatre | |
amateur theatre ['æmətə(r) 'θi:ətə(r)] |
theatre cafe | |
drama ['drɑ:mə] |
dramatic theatre | |
the Puppet and Actor Theatre | |
a theatre [ə 'θi:ətə(r)] |
street theatres | |
theatre ['θi:ətə(r)] |
Globe Theatre | |
theatregoer | |
open air theatre ['əupən ɛə(r) 'θi:ətə(r)] |
ancient theatre ['eɪnʧənt 'θi:ətə(r)] |
youth theatre [ju:θ 'θi:ətə(r)] |
fringe theatre [frɪnʤ 'θi:ətə(r)] |
a television play/ a teleplay [ə 'tɛlɪvɪʒən pleɪ ə teleplay] |
theatrically [θɪ'ætrɪkəlɪ] |
theatre booking office ['θi:ətə(r) 'bukɪŋ 'ɔfɪs] |
theatre ['θi:ətə(r)] |