Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
uproot [əp'ru:t] |
take out your thoot | |
torn off [tɔ:n ɔf] |
to shake sb awake | |
rip out [rɪp aut] |
extract a tooth [ɪk'strækt ə tu:θ] |
break loose [breɪk lu:s] |
jump the gun [ʤʌmp ðə gʌn] |
extract [ɪk'strækt] |
to snatch at sth [tu snæʧ æt 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
tear out [tɛə(r) aut] |
to pull [tu pul] |
snatch [snæʧ] |
break out of [breɪk aut ɔv] |
take out [teɪk aut] |
to extract a tooth [tu ɪk'strækt ə tu:θ] |