Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
team player [ti:m 'pleɪə(r)] |
This training session is meant to enhance communic | |
Mark had always dreamt of playing in a jazz band | |
team worker [ti:m 'wə:kə(r)] |
work well in a team [wə:k wɛl ɪn ə ti:m] |
There are three more co-workers on our team. | |
work in a team [wə:k ɪn ə ti:m] |
play in a band [pleɪ ɪn ə bænd] |
I'm team - player person. [I'm ti:m 'pleɪə(r) 'pə:sɪn] |
work in team [wə:k ɪn ti:m] |
good team spirit [gud ti:m 'spɪrɪt] |
If I were in a band I would love to be a violinist [ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ɪn ə bænd aɪ wud lʌv tu bi: ə vaɪə'lɪnɪst] |
A guitarist and drummer are usually in rock band [ə gɪ'tɑ:rɪst ænd 'drʌmə(r) ɑ:(r) 'jju:ʒəwəlɪ ɪn rɔk bænd] |
work in a teem [wə:k ɪn ə ti:m] |
team-player [ti:m 'pleɪə(r)] |
working in a team ['wə:kɪŋ ɪn ə ti:m] |
teamwork ['ti:mwək] |
work in/as part of a team [wə:k ɪn æz pɑ:t ɔv ə ti:m] |
team player [ti:m 'pleɪə(r)] |
work as part of a team [wə:k æz pɑ:t ɔv ə ti:m] |
I prefer to work in a team [aɪ prə'fə: tu wə:k ɪn ə ti:m] |