Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
tea set [ti: sɛt] |
after-sales service ['ɑ:ftə(r) seɪlz 'sə:vəs] |
the service offers sufferers access to drugs | |
dinner service ['dɪnə(r) 'sə:vəs] |
electoral services | |
service shop ['sə:vəs ʃɔp] |
social networking sites ['səuʃl 'nɛtwəkɪŋ saɪts] |
social networking sites ['səuʃl 'nɛtwəkɪŋ saɪts] |
service technician ['sə:vəs tek'nɪʃən] |
social network ['səuʃl 'nɛtwə:k] |
repairer [repairer] |
news websites [nju:z websites] |
the Met Office [ðə mɛt 'ɔfɪs] |
social media ['səuʃl 'mi:dɪə] |
service ['sə:vəs] |
social network site ['səuʃl 'nɛtwə:k saɪt] |
dating service ['deɪtɪŋ 'sə:vəs] |
news bulletin [nju:z 'bulɪtn] |